Wednesday, 1 July 2020


5  PHE situations and description of why I choose this type of assessment :

  1. PHE SITUATION:      Student created SMART goals addressing their personal physical abilities and health. Model yours to students. The number depends on age of students. This could be ongoing throughout the year advancing their  SMART goals as they meet them  creating greater internal motivation in advancing  their own growth/achievements and learning.

Type of Assessment:  self checklist used  for  assessment as learning  ; formative assessment. I suggest they write their own summative goals achieved at the end of the year for their own individual success/potential to carry forward. Have students check off SMART acronym criteria checklist before. After specific time a yes or no and why or why not? What can I do differently? Modify goals etc.

Description of why:
I choose this type of assessment because it gives ownership to the students in creation of goals then in applying and analyzing if they met it or not and why? what could they change etc. I would have them write a reflection t each goal so they learn meta cognition. 

2.PHE SITUATION: Theme     teamwork:  Discuss with students what teamwork looks like and write down their criteria so all can understand. For example: cheering on all players regardless of ability.  Always, sometimes, rarely as a frequency rating. 

Type of Assessment: Rubric intentional ; assessment as learning; formative. I would suggest teachers  and peers could also observe for criteria on separate rubric for each student for assessment of learning for ongoing feedback on each unit.

Description of why:
I choose this type of assessment because it puts students in the drivers seat in discussing the criteria and deciding together on this theme so they can see how they play a part in teamwork and grow in their co operation/collaboration skills in sport. It can be done at beginning and end of year.

3.PHE SITUATION : SKILL  for specific sport based skills; example being: dribbling basketball in control around 4 pylons;(2 point example)  with emerging, developing proficient extending to set out main skill objectives for teaching to students and let them know the learning goals they are working towards.
Type of assessment:  rubric (how many points depends on age)formative; assessment for learning; do one for each student at beginning and end of unit to gather growth and leave room for anecdotal observations.

 Description of why: by outlining the major skills taught and sharing them gives teachers and students a clear path of learning and where they are starting from and how much they have developed in each criteria/skill by the end is encouraging to them.

4.PHE SITUATION: Introduction of new game/unit   using the  BC ERAC Checklist as guide  using instructional design, technical design, and social considerations(special needs,Indigenous etc,) to evaluate your new game/unit to ensure EDI. Beside the checklist leave a spot for WHOM? and HOW? as needed. for example; How? pairing with a more proficient student; use smaller ball, less space etc.

Type of Assessment-  formative checklist with specific notation;assessment for learning in accommodating all students and adapting as needed.

 Description of Why? I choose this assessment because it gives an overall view before beginning a new game or unit in ensuring accommodations and cultural considerations are addressed with the view that its a work in progress.

5. PHE SITUATION:  PERSONAL  PERCIEVED EFFORT  use in a specified physical activity for example a 1 km run or a dance class etc. Use a numbers scale from 1- hardly any, 2-a little 3-somewhat I tried, 4 -good effort to 5- I give it my all.

Type of Assessment-   Dated student self assessment rubric with rating between  1 and 5 for each activity listed . Formative assessment as learning .I suggest students keep chronological track (dated) and assess how they feel over time with space for why did or didn't feel good this day ? Each rubric will be specific to the unit/sport. I suggest younger children can just show you their fingers to indicate how they felt they did in their effort. 

Description of why?  I choose this assessment to get an idea of how students view themselves and their precieved effort levels as well as their confidence going into a variety of physical activities.  A student may love running and rate highly but the opposite in dance so greater encouragement is needed for the following class by teacher. Students can see they play a part in their success by trying their best no matter their level. It also gives students the data to see why they may not have been able to exert themselves.(look at health issues, eating, sleeping etc)
 Older students can use scale for exertion for 1 to 5 instead of effort and describe what a 1 looks like as compared to 5(out of breath anaerobic) click here for more from BC PHE  Rate of percieved exertion.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources:

BC ERAC Evaluated Resources/Checklists; I choose this BC Education document because there is a wealth of considerations and useful checklists to ensure equity diversity ,inclusion and accessibility for ALL learners through instructional and technical design ans social considerations including special needs,gender orientation, Aboriginal(their term), multiculturalism and belief systems. In PHE the instructional design is of key importance.

FNESC Authentic Resources updated 2016- 144 page professionally curated fiction and non fiction books for K-9 reading level. Includes themes and written for student audiences.  FN authors use traditional storytelling techniques and FP techniques such as circular structure, repetition, weaving in spirituality and humor. For example; As in introductory spark  in PHE the official book of the 2011 all native basketball team  in Prince Rupert could be read titled: B is for Basketball; exploring sport, co operation and collaboration.

Diversebookfinder- free collection analysis  tool of  picture books to ensure diversity of picture book collections in order to not normalize the dominant white representation but equally include black, indigenous people and people of colour (BIPOC). This tool analysis has a unique circulating collection online and provides critical analysis of data and research that looks at exploring who is represented and How in order to authentically represent and explore  diversity themes from their perspectives.

INCLUSION in sport: Disability and Sport- Journal article ;Sport in Society, Florian Kiuppis (30 Aug. 2016) Insightful rationale and useful Sports development Continuum scale from 1-5; % being most restrictive. Helpful acronym STEP for adaptations to ensure inclusiveness; S-space;T-task, E-equipment, P-People. Rationale for importance of inclusion of all creeds; disabilities,orientations etc with UNESCO statement of "..inclusion,equality and Physical literacy as central tenets of a quality Physical Education" therefore its  a  crucial right to access participation in sport not an extra.

Black  Childrens authors book directory; collection of black authors books categorized by picture,middle and teen to accurately depict themes and issues. Non profit society.

Removing barriers to Inclusion and participation TED Talk- Utube video by Gary Evans founder of DEMAND which supports adaptive/assistive environmental design/equipment for persons with disabilities including in schools so children can reach their potential. Use of 3D printer technology is noted as our school has one.

Inclusion: The importance of Societal participation-  short powerful , Utube video by Frederick Covington.  I like his definition of Inclusion: Universal oneness though not the same. Examples of school based inclusion are helpful.