CONSRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE,DESIGN AND COMPASSIONFor this assignment I choose 3 multi modal tools : two which are paid technology subscriptions Padlet, read here :Padlet BLOG justifying cost as well as Powtoon and the free Chrome extension Google slides with Screencastify because our school uses android Google Education platform and with COVID precautions we have limited funds for subscriptions.
Goal being: convince teachers that technology tools are purposeful and serve student inquiry process using the BCTLA 5 point inquiry model with Universal Design Learning Principles in mind and ADST BIG IDEAS while embracing the collaboration cycle alongside classroom teachers of Preparation. Action and Reflection. Keeping in mind The 11 characteristics of effective collaborators gleaned from the Merga study are listed below, link here: Collaborate with Teacher librarian. These 11 are a template for the collaboration process to evaluate and reflect on throughout to move from co operation and coordination to a mutually valued relationship of collaboration.
Collaboration Ideally Based On Mutual Understandings:(progression Goal)
Share with CT: Robinson, D. E. (2017). Universal Design for Learning and School Libraries for a common understanding in aligning learning/teaching to this goal.
The Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies(ADST) curriculum builds on students’ natural curiosity, inventiveness, and desire to create and work in practical ways.(BCEd) and provides grade based big ideas and curricular competencies for TL and CT to collaborate and agree on as a criteria for SELECTION of tool and delivery of learning.
As educational leader share with classroom teacher as models of mutual understanding and agreement. EDUCATIONAL MODELS:BCTLA TL Collaboration and BC Ed 5 point Inquiry as well as awareness of the Blooms taxonomy for higher order questioning/problems within a constructivist environment.
1. Padlet is an intuitive multi modal interface tool digital post-it board in which you can add text, upload visuals, audio files, video and links to websites privately or collaboratively. you can allow reactions, which include different forms of ratings which you can choose to be available, so that students can rate or react to individual content on the Padlet. These options are a great feature for facilitating engagement with the content. Teachers have control over privacy. The cost at $8.75 a month per class and I feel is well worth it. From Commonsense Educator here is a Inquiry based lesson plan example with a higher order questions :how-is-sel-infused-into-your-responsibilities-as-a-digital-citizen aligned with affective learning.
Share with CT the choices on the layout on PADLET to help structure and organize the content;
Wall- This option creates a brick-like layout.
Canvas- (my favorite) scatters responses, allowing you to move or connect them.
Steam- Sets them up like a twitter feed. Simply stacks them one on top of the other.
Grid- Arranges content in rows of boxes.
Shelf- Stacks the responses into columns.
Padlet can serve the inquiry based learning/teaching purposes for classroom teachers and I will outline by IB design below that can be differentiated for students needs/disabilities for content objectives and scaffolded across grade 3-12 providing flexibility in representation, action and expression and engagement. Use of tools such as Padlet within a IBP creates an embodiment sensemaking and affective literacy by connecting through empathy. As stated here by Lenters;"The pedagogy of doing, being and knowing asks what students might become as they engage in learning through embodied sensemaking" Critical literacy reaches beyond the mere factual understandings towards practice of critical thinking in challenging the author to make deeper societal and historical connections that seek to root out oppression and injustices. This was the philosophical basis of Paulo Freires who began the critical literacy movement.
TL's within the collaboration process with CT can be leaders to challenge and spark an embodied sense making of their worlds by connecting to affective not just the cognitive. Click here for more on embodied collectivity written by Lenters, Multi Modal Becoming and a helpful list of open ended embodied multi modal learning experiences.
Padlet, enables emancipation of those who struggle writing/reading output with use of visuals and ability to add audio files up to 15 minutes.
Share with CT further CREATIVE examples HERE:30-creative-ways-to-use-padlet-for-teachers-and-students.
"Critical literacy is the ability to find embedded discrimination in media.[1][2] This is done by analyzing the messages promoting prejudiced power relationships found naturally in media and written material that go unnoticed otherwise by reading beyond the author's words and examining the manner in which the author has conveyed his or her ideas about society's norms to determine whether these ideas contain racial or gender inequality.[1] ( Wikipedia Critical_literacy) Wikipedia is a reliable open sourced e- encyclopedia to gather understanding/factual information to begin forming inquiry. Valenza, Joyce. time to stop Wikipedia shaming?" School Library Journal.
PREPARATION: TL collaborate with CT to understand curriculum objectives and students needs.TL CURATE prepared GRID PADLET to gather resources and tools and websites, visuals based on the agreed big themes NOT TOPICS. For example, reconciliation ,resilience or kindness, friendship for younger student etc. CT welcome to suggest/add resources to CURATED PADLET.
As educational leader model curation of divergent and diverse choice of formats from physical/concrete/kinesthetic/ print to multi modal tools is key including deep reading non-fiction literature/poems, critical literary storybooks search here for over 3000 evaluated stories that are representational of different/diverse religions, races,sexual orientation etc. Address EQUALITY.DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION through purposeful curating of diverse/divergent views with a variety of formats and awareness of stereotypes/bias that may be present so students can see themselves and appreciate others.
CT forms Inquiry groupings based on student learning and physical needs, divergent/diverse views and connections remembering Lenters window/mirror analogy of students looking in and those who see themselves. TL encourage diverse groupings; for example; Indigenous student with non indigenous student and PRINT and AUDIO format of Orange shirt story ;honoring and remembering Indigenous students in residential schools to connect with participating by wearing an orange shirt or purchasing the special Every Child Matters shirt here; .orangeshirtday. to wear on Sept. 30th every year.
Collaborated with CT agreed upon Padlets are then given to students/groups or whole class based on teachers input on diverse and differential learning needs so information is presented in different ways so all students are represented with flexibility and multiple means of ENGAGEMENT towards the goal of UDL .
Valenza created a helpful CURATION TAXONOMY that in the GRID PADLET, TL can display under the progressive categories beginning with: COLLECTING/CONNECTING(audience) CURATING(context, commentary) CONTRIBUTING (use for IBL, collaboration learning purposes) which saves CT time and used as a model of organization. To read article click here: curation-situations-let-us-count-the-ways/
STEAM PADLET USED FOR PRIOR KNOWLDGE EXPEREINCE IN CONNECT/WONDER STAGE in response to hook/provocation and prior experience/knowledge
ACTION; collaborate with classroom teacher with agreed PROVACATION/HOOK tool/resource. TL can do a guided inquiry discussion and/or a KWL chart to bring about the big theme and an empathetic affective response networks.
For example for the big theme of resilience and reconciliation with the hook being the Orange shirt storybook(print and audio) based on Phyllis Webstad experience in a residential school in Williams Lake BC. This critical literary piece embodies through the words and pictures an emphatic response into further inquiry.
Student (or scaffolded by CT/TL) types question or problem in PADLET title and adds any additional resources/visuals in their investigation. Example : Take the point of view of an Indigenous child taken from their parents to a residential school and analyze how it may affect their lives going forward. Why is reconciliation and resilience important for society? PADLET becomes a workspace for responses to investigation of resources with embedding meaningful links/visuals and articles and actions taken in these research/investigative stage taking their prior knowledge and expanding it higher on the Blooms taxonomy.
TL and teacher facilitate the creation of a higher order question-/problem using BLOOMS TAXONOMY based on theme and its interconnections. The question prompt is a verbal tool that can metacognitive scaffold novice makers(concrete/physical makers and construction of new knowledge) toward a critical technical practice. Click here for article: Bowler, L., & Champagne, R. (2016). Mindful makers: Question prompts.
Group/ individual or collaborated whole class INVESTGATIVE Padlet as initiated by CT.
Opportunity for TL to teach to; and share with CT opportunities for critical,digital and information Literacy during the investigation stage for the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively critically (Commonsense Media) whether digital, multimodal or print. CSL provides a useful continuum to collaborate with CT to set goals aligned with ADST_k-9_big_ideas.
TL teach to and provide opportunities with CT for digital citizenship using posters( can be added to preparation Padlet as well) on fake/mis-information, bias news,points of views and the application of CRAP criteria of currency, reliability, authority and purpose in choosing sources.
Use as an example of a INFOGRAPHIC used as an advertisement for organic almond milk. (visual marketing)
Co- facilitate with CT meta cognition options such as sketchnoting, sharing this blog :how-to-start-sketchnoting and mindmapping , infographic, Venn diagram visual/text strategies for connecting complex understandings during investigation stage. is an example to consider for paid (one free) digital tool for brainstorming and connecting ideas.
mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole. Wikipedia
Displayed by TL; Teaching Poster for Digital Citizenship
IFLA. (August 15, 2019). "How to spot fake news." World Library and Information Congress. Retrieved from: provides opportunity for digital literacy with its ease of application in practice of double clicking, pasting, embedding links, uploading visuals, and opportunity for TL teaching how to cite resources and copyright and ethical, safe use of digital information.
This infographic model provides CT with the skills involved in Digital literacy as a framework to collaborate with and share/display with older students. The British Columbia Ministry of Education defines digital literacy as “the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, create and communicate with others”
ACTION: TL in collaboration with CT provides multiple options besides Padlet/and or combinations for EXPRESSION such as Google Slides, Powtoon, storybook, Story Maker studio, combine the physical/concrete with digital as option, Storymaking: the Maker Movement Approach to Literacy for Early Learners,collaborative storytelling, screenplay, interview analysis, poem,artistic expression/response,painting etc; TO display new higher order knowledge constructed from deep critical investigation. providing flexibility and multiple means of ACTION and EXPRESSION to "express their knowledge in a mode compatible with their talents and abilities"Robinson universal Design for Learning and School Libraries and as a result prompting further action and continued deeper questioning.
Padlet used as a wall or canvas can be chosen as a display of new knowledge/action and affective response with visuals/text and audio/links with constructed knowledge grown from a higher order question/problem prompt. A partly-customized URL which can be easily shared or export the content in a variety of file formats.
TL initiate with CT opportunity for MEDIA LITERACY using Padlet:
Media literacy encompasses the practices that allow people to access, critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media. Media literacy is not restricted to one medium. Wikipedia
Media literacy is intertwined with digital literacy with DL involving more the PARTICIPATION in a safe and ethical way and ML incorporates networks and interactive modes. TL initiate practice with Media Smarts resource
Infographic of interconnection of DL and ML form Media Smarts use as teaching tool with older students and CT.
TL show CONCEPTS for Mutual Understanding:
Padlet is a multi mode media tool with text, visual, and audio modes and provides students with flexible modes of expression in a creative open-ended way in constructing their message and the opportunity to access and evaluate others point of views and construction of expressions during their investigation and peer sharing.
Padlet provides a platform for becoming multimodal learners who as Serafini stated can interpret social media platforms beyond just decoding texts to readers of multi modes continuum from: NAVIGATOR(Decoding) INTERPRETOR( UNDERSTAND COMPOSITION) DESIGNER (construction of knowledge) and INTERAGATOR(evaluation/reflection). Share with CT as framework and model terminology throughout learning process for becoming media literate and practicing using their constructions/peers and everyday interaction examples with media.
Share handout, teacher guide and resources with on how to analyze and critique so to practice thinking critically on how media is made and consumed. Relate this to their everyday interaction with media, digital and social as well as their own/peers media constructions. Awareness of own and others agenda, bias, stereotypes and lack of point of views etc; this analysis is essential when considering social justice.
TL model and teach to the importance of becoming a designer (of their constructions and others) and interrogator of ML with students because it is embedded in their everyday lives in the 21st century through social media platforms(Facebook, Instagram etc) digital and visual media such as, TV commercials/print ads/political symbols/posters etc, that are organized to gain power and/or profit realizing that they too can have an influence(positive or negative) and choice to be an informed open minded democratic citizens who can make a difference.
ACTION; TL suggest to CT Padlet in GRID form as rubric for self and/or peer assessment/reflection or STREAM for informal constructive comments on shared learnings. formative and summative. Criteria is scaffolded according to students/groups needs.
Iona in her Padlet blog facilitates assessment/reflection by "you can allow reactions, which include different forms of ratings which you can choose to be available, so that students can rate or react to individual content on the Padlet. These options are a great feature for facilitating engagement with the content." Padlet allows customized allowance or restriction of comments share with CT to facilitate the best learning environment.
PADLET Opportunities for critical literacy/deep reading and critical visual literacy:
Padlet provides a book shelve format where deep reading critical thinking literature/picture books/poems can be bookmarked with the goal of critical literacy response and affective learning. CT and TL can use to curate according to theme. An example is the critical literature storybooks by indigenous author Monique Gray Smith (hook to connect for kindness etc)and listening to her read her storybooks with reconciliation and resilience Our school had a zoom call with her. TL can initiate with CT a class session as a connection/hook. TL share :Every Child Matters booklet created by National Centre of Truth and Reconciliation for grades 5-8 as a PROVACATOR literacy resource. NCTR site also has primary sourced Indigenous people videos and resources.
Padlet BOOKSHELVE can be used as personal bookmarking list or TL curated SHORT STACK of possible pleasure reading selections based on their prior knowledge and interests and below provide comments/responses that can be shared with peers to encourage voluntary free choice reading. TL in collaboration with CT can curate a short stack of selections to address a particular students social/emotional/marginalized concern/ needs.
Their choice of selections creates their PERSONAL PADLET SELECTIONS developing as Valenza called the ability to curate their PERSONALIZED KNOWLEDGE MASTERY (PKM) and also maintains their privacy on a difficult issue/disability and/or awareness of being different then the mainstream.(Non- Christian, Non-white, LGBQT, female athlete etc) As educational leader our curation of diverse book collection is essential to represent all. For a survey of representation in Canada click here
Wolf in this book excerpt provides rationale for the need for deep reading to advocate for and share with CT during the collaborative engagement "Deep reading. Is it endangered".
Merga referred to librarians who had been interviewed and said that “their libraries were informal safe places for students marginalized and/or bullied due to various reasons of diversity” (Merga 2020).
Gifted students can also feel marginalized as portrayed in this Netflix series, Queen Gambit as noted by this article in Times Colonist by Johnson:story-of-queen-s-gambit-raises-questions-for-educators. Share with CT to address the social/ emotional needs of gifted students in their class and how media can bring awareness for change .
"Specifically, many researchers believe that gifted individuals have a higher risk of emotional and social problems, particularly during adolescence and early adulthood.
Numerous studies have arrived at the same conclusion: gifted individuals are more sensitive to interpersonal conflicts and subject to higher stress levels than their peers due to their cognitive abilities, and consequently feel more depressed, anxious and suffer from low self-esteem."
Whole school support with TL as leader with colleagues is key to a climate and culture of acceptance that each student is on their own unique life long reading journey in developing their own sense of reader advocacy of what they enjoy to read (self-determination) TL's can facilitate this through scaffolding and modeling the development of criteria used to independently self select. (click on blog here for bookmatch criteria and more.)
Critical literature example by Monique Gray Smith use as a hook for big themes in IBP
Padlet provides the opportunity for a teacher posted prompt picture such as which provides a new one every day for deep consideration and writing prompt response and comments or for student drawn/artistic creations uploaded or photographs taken and uploaded for a writing response on Padlet. Reflective posts can be collaborated or individual then shared. The Learning Network through New York Times provides many resources including a picture/writing prompt for stories/reactions here learning/use-these-18-images-to-inspire-your-own-short-story. TL model and share visuals that promote the possibilities of a deep affective and critical response.
Padlet can be used with the visual literacy learning strategies for visual/artistic expression with use of SEE THINK WONDER chart on a GRID Padlet.
VISUAL WEBMIXES can be a collaborative learning opportunity with each student adding their expressions under each Padlet then coming together to read/discuss and respond.
In the CONNECT/WONDER stage a curated visual(s) on Padlet can be a platform for provocation for further extended inquiry of investigation and construction. TL can lead with CT the opportunity for:
Visual literacy is a staple of 21st century skills, the idea that learners today must “demonstrate the ability to interpret, recognize, appreciate, and understand information presented through visible actions, objects, and symbols, natural or man-made.” Putting aside the imperative to teach students how to create meaningful images, the ability to read images is reflected in the following standards.(Finley)
By embedding Padlet into IBL these ADST goals can be practiced:
ADST Big Idea;• Design can be responsive to identified needs. • Complex tasks require the acquisition of additional skills. 6-8
ADST Curricular Competencies are:
IDEATING; generate potential ideas and add to others ideas
MAKING; Identify and use
appropriate tools,
technologies, and
materials for
SHARING: Evaluate their product
against their criteria
and explain how it
contributes to the
individual, family,
community, and/or
A digital multi modal, animated, visual storyboard that can inspire and inform. Powtoon has a library of media integration of images and videos from Storyblocks and photos from Flickr.
Share and model with CT visual communication learning opportunities during the IBP within the UDL principles: provide as option for visual learners/ELL learners/struggling with writing/reading output.
mindmapping, timelines, flowcharts, infographics to display confusing/complex information( visual organization of information)
-digital animated cartoon especially for students who struggle with expressing themselves orally and/or text.
-library of templates for presentations for science projects, e-books, how to, book reviews etc
--non-fiction storyboard/e book to display constructed knowledge
-Fanfic based on a TV, movie, novel and create a fiction story/cartoon often a expression from the mainstream of identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation and physical/mental illness
Opportunity for practice of Visual Literacy:
Powtoons platform is optimized for maximum visual display and visual communication.
Powtoon provides an affective platform for visual communication for students who may struggle with traditional literacies. Powtoon provides an platform to express visually difficult or touchy themes with dialogue bubbles, choice of characters, animation and video templates. Visual communication enabled through Powtoon is a more effective way to get a message across and makes a deeper impact and connection with others that may not happen in a traditional literary way. Powtoons use of colours, symbols,shapes,movement and size of text and characters enables the 'reading" of visuals.
Powtoon provides emancipation for ELL students and those struggling with writing output as well as a platform for those whose preferred learning style is Visual. "reading text is far slower then the brain's ability to process visual images." (Powtoon)
Practice by sharing with CT the VTS strategy from Edutopia blog:(Finley)
Visual Thinking Strategies: Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a specific approach to whole-class viewing and talking about art that primarily uses these questions: Link here for more;10-visual-literacy-strategies
- What do you notice?
- What do you see that makes you say that?
- What more can we find?
VTS encourages students to think beyond the literal by discussing multiple meanings, metaphors, and symbols.
Powtoon incorporates the practice of:
ADST BIG IDEAS: 6-8• Design can be responsive to identified needs.
ADST CURRICULAR COMPETENCIES: Applied Technologies:Select, and as
needed learn about,
appropriate tools and
technologies to
extend their capability
to complete a task
I choose this FREE tool because our Information Technologist teacher uses GOOGLE SLIDES for digital stories with text and visual platform .Being a tool that students have engaged with provides the opportunity for extending learning with CT. Through is a range of free templates that can be downloaded using Google Chrome. The screencastify allows an audio recording to be added so the combination emancipates those who struggle with writing output. Google slides provides many free templates for investigation and expression/sharing to choose from. This tool provides a familiar springboard for the ADST Applied technologies goal of enhancing their skills and the Big Idea of complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies. In combination with a connect/wonder resource to create curiosity/inquiry based learning and flexibility/scaffolding of content criteria this tool can be useful for UDL.
Demonstration of EXPRESSION/SHARING with templates
-field trip report
-science project
-digital storybook
-how to e book
-book reviews
-Mind mapping
Integration of tools:
-Extension/enhancement display of learning in combination with MakerSpace creations/activities and authentic learning opportunities(place based, experiential, field trips, Skype interviews) Check out Maker ED resources here for mindful makers: Use deep literature/poems/storybooks as a deep reading provocation aligned with tools to create critical literacy opportunities and affective learning.
- creation of stories through a physical story studio aligned with theme and combined with digital tools
-combine tools to create scaffolding/modifications/adaptations and creativity for UDL
-awareness of a variety of formats for same resource to meet students differential learning strengths/needs especially in the connect/wonder stage and throughout. ex: infographic/or audio and print source
-inter disciplinary integration of tools for a wide range of subjects through concrete, artistic and academic application
- Provide a variety of expression format options for constructed knowledge( UDL principle)
-embed and display this poster of
Principles-of-Learning-First-Peoples-into the purpose and design of tools. For example through story telling(digital, print and/or story studio) and Indigenous images and use of ID authors/artists and points of view so "Learning is embedded in memory, history and story"(FNESC)
-nurture the identity of students as writers/author/artists/mindful makers/media/digital citizens who can make an impact on society and influence others
-evaluation/analysis of digital footprint/media balance
This assignment has made me very aware that tools need to be embedded with proven sound educational strategies such as Inquiry Based Process, constructivism and UDL ideally within a collaborative teaching model of mutual respect and trust between the CT and TL. Its key to understand and share with the CT the conceptual ideas around a tool as the tool itself.
TL's have an awesome responsibility to steer the tools usage towards the practice of literacies to meet the learning needs in a multi modal information age that by our leadership and curation embraces diversity, equality and inclusion. Altobelli, in
Creating Space for Agency reminds us that "school libraries have a hallowed role as safe spaces especially for potentially marginalized student populations" and "our students will be the multi-faceted innovators and creators of the future, the role of the librarian is to help them realize this potential which means all students need to see themselves in the school library." By TL's offering a constructionist space within the SLLC and spaces in and out of school allows for an equitable access to tools/resources within a communal space that branches subjects.
In the constructivist sense, libraries facilitate constructing knowledge through access to information, while makerspaces facilitate constructing knowledge through the manipulation and creation of material objects (based on a theory associated with constructivism, known as constructionism). While formal learning can also happen in both spaces, as classes are brought in to work toward more prescribed learning objectives, most school libraries and makerspaces are equally as supportive of non-curricular, student-driven, independent explorations.(Weisgrau Edutopia blog) Keeping the scientifically proven framework of universal design for learning(UDL) as a guiding light within the IBP with the use of these tools is essential for TL's to model the flexibility and open ended learning by evaluating the tools through these UDL principals of multiple means of REPRESENTATION, ACTION AND EXPRESSION AND ENGAGEMENT. These frameworks shared by TL facilitate going beyond ones self knowledge by asking hard questions (IBP)with the goal of addressing social injustice found in society: As stated here by Mc Laughlin," Asking hard questions is just that – hard. But if we are truly committed to teaching for social justice, we need to encourage our children to find as many points of view as they can, and to ask questions we may never be able to answer, knowing that education for citizenship lies in the process of thinking critically about the many sides of a question and working toward addressing the inequities this process reveals.
This FPPL principle of learning in particular embraces holistically UDL that "learning is holistic,reflexive,reflective,experiential and relational focused on collaborative connectedness in reciprocal relationship and sense of place." and as a TL I would display this FPPL within my mission statement to remind myself of the purpose behind the tool.
Bowler, L., & Champagne, R. (2016). Mindful makers: Question prompts to help guide young peoples' critical technical practices in maker spaces in libraries, museums, and community-based youth organizations.Links to an external site. Links to an external site.Library and Information Science Research, 38(2), 117-124.
Compton, Michelle Kay, et al. Storymaking: the Maker Movement Approach to Literacy for Early Learners.Links to an external site. Redleaf Press, 2018. (ebook)
Altobelli, R. (2017). Creating Space for Agency.Links to an external site. Knowledge Quest, 46(1), 8–15.
BookNet Canada. (April 2019). Demand for Diversity: a survey of Canadian readers. Retrieved from: (2020). Retrieved 18 November 2020, from
Johnson, G. (2020). Geoff Johnson: Story of Queen's Gambit raises questions for educators. Times Colonist. Retrieved 18 November 2020, from
Use These 18 Images to Inspire Your Own Short Story. (2020). Retrieved 18 November 2020, from
Common Core in Action: 10 Visual Literacy Strategies. Edutopia. (2020). Retrieved 18 November 2020, from