Identify and discuss additional rationale that supports the embrace of inquiry based practices.
I chose this one because eventually as a TL; I desire a deep understanding of Inquiry Based Learning so I can be the impetus towards encouraging colleagues desiring to know more on how and why to embrace Inquiry based practices.
I highlighted the key essential words/phrases that support a rational for Inquiry Based Process.
The BC redesigned curriculum supports IBP with their concepts interlocking model. It is based around concepts with interlocking circles of UNDERSTAND(Big Ideas) KNOW (Essential Questions/Problems) and DO(authentic; real life action,connections, competency assessment)
BC redesigned Curriculum has put the emphasis on,"curriculum that has less knowing and more doing along with focus on Big Ideas" and "Assessment AS learning not assessment FOR learning" which embraces IBP because it's not a accumulation of knowledge or a list of topics covered in isolation.The focus is not on summative assessment but ongoing formative competency based assessment as a means to demonstrate deep learning.
IBL also embraces the 6 core competencies of the BC curriculum(link above) such as social awareness in making the big connections/reoccurring patterns in society and our place in them and our ability to create change in the 21st century information age.
Additional rationale comes from the, "It's all about the Wonder: Kindergarten unique based Learning," by Ritters and Watters who notes the change in the patterns of dialogue from the educator being the sole director and responder of students questions to the freedom of dialogue back and forth with student led and all others who provide a point of view/input in the IB process. This is an important distinction that gives students the time to ponder more deeply and reflect on their learning which creates more higher order questioning.
I appreciate her distinction in IBP between not just being a facilitator but a provocateur who plants the seed for further learning/motivated to know more. She emphasizes the IBP of assessment throughout to check for understanding and providing essential information as needed to make learning go deeper. Click here to read article;It's all about the wonder;Kindergarten Inquiry Based Learning.
IBL provides for time to think and reflect while theme/topic based research covers only the surface and makes little interconnections of concepts/big ideas. Ron Richart gives a pictorial model," Making Thinking Visible" in Ritters and Watters article that furthers IBP of critical thinking and the practice of not making assumptions. IBL also naturally provides opportunities for different modes of learning that address students preferred style to learn(kinesthetic; audio etc)
Montessori pedagogy also follows IBP in personalized auto education providing the prepared environment and guide teacher who observes for scaffolding/check ins to advance their own intrinsically motivated inquiries that are often shared.The mixed ages with an observant guide encourages the creation of a constructionist collaborative environment. Overall Montessori guides only provide the essential information/concrete resource to stimulate the child's natural wonder to explore and then provide more essential questions/information as needed. Assessment is through observation of competency;mini conferences to check understanding throughout (keep the flow) and a variety of modes to demonstrate learning throughout . Students have big work choices and have freedom to spend time to go deeper and show craftsmanship within a concept. Example is the use of timelines (actual ones; starting with their personal life from birth) to the Great lesson timeline of how the world and civilization on earth evolved which opens up many inquiry questions.
The use of the golden bead materials provides the concrete visual representation of place value that is further developed to the use of the bead frame and eventually abstract creating habits of the mind. Another example is the concrete representation of the trinomial and binomial boxes in the 3 to 6 aged classrooms are a big idea precursor to algebraic expressions. Montessori said,"growth comes from activity,not from intellectual understanding."
I hadn't thought of Montessori within the IBP pedagogy but now that I had the opportunity to begin to delve deeper into IBL I can identify that the big ideas of IBL can be seen in a Montessori environment. (highlighted in yellow)
This utube video validates IBP because the aim is to have Flow which requires the right amount of challenge and skill and the Inquiry process naturally can do this:click here: youtube Flow learning video allowing for uninterrupted attention and internal motivation.
Finally IBL is a life long mindset that allows students to hone the skills and learning needed to be employable in the 21st century as stated in The Conference Board of Canada;Employability Skills.
As you can see there is a strong rationale for IBL and this is just a sampling!
Identify and discuss some strategies or structures that you could use in the classroom or SLC to foster enjoyment of learning:
Strategies include:
- Observation skills to discern students strengths/weaknesses, learning styles,personality,interests and students practiced in the Inquiry process to discern information/data and help solve problems.
-creation of prepared environment that is structured to allow for interdependence and Independence therefore naturally sparking interest in learning more.
-forming relationships based on observations that encourage students to feel more confident to make mistakes/ ask questions/explore and be risk takers.Harper and O'brien comment on Relational teaching where students are internally motivated( as opposed to external rewards/non specific praise) in Putting students in the Drivers seat.
- competency based assessment/check ins throughout for learning and scaffolding to keep flow and desire/motivation to delve deeper
-Morellin,Luhtals,Russo in Engaging educators and Engaging learners mentions the importance of a safe responsive respectful learning environment which is the foundation upon which if prepared properly (Montessori philosophy concept) it will enhance risk taking; curiosity and focus which is key for the IB process.
Structures Include:
-historical-thinking-concepts 6 concepts which I would include literary resources such as novels;historical fiction
-scienceworld resources/discrepant events- free Telus online resources that use the surprise factor which is not just for science but the unpredictability factor is a spark cross curricular.
-Visual representation form; charts,maps,pictographs,photography, concrete objects;realism etc.,
-Implementing-Place-Based-Education this article provides rationale(examine where you live and make larger connections from local to global context)
-BC Education Concepts model with circular Know, Understand, Do embraces IBL(see above link)
BC Redesigned curriculum supports IBL |
-Kuhlthau guided Inquiry Design-7 stages from initiation to assessment
These IBL structures should be used as a guideposts fluidly not linear nor exclusively.The structures are adaptable and do not need to be used precisely necessarily; as a lot of enjoyment comes from the unexpected and we should go with the flow!
-"HISTORICAL THINKING CONCEPTS | Historical Thinking Project". Historicalthinking.Ca, 2019,
"Guided Inquiry Design | Carol Kuhlthau". Wp.Comminfo.Rutgers.Edu, 2019,
"Free Resources". Science World, 2019,
Gettingsmart.Com, 2019,
"UBC Library | Ezproxy Login". Www-Deslibris-Ca.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,