Thursday, 5 December 2019

                            My Reflection : Inquiry Based Learning

1. Upon reflection; though as a Montessori teacher I am trained in following the child/personalizing  learning to their potential this IB pedagogy course has synthesized my learning so that going forward I would strive to support students with IBL by:
-using an inquiry mindset that through a hook;spark;scenarios attempts to add more internal motivation  to their learning and with big concept /essential questions in mind guide students as needed but allowing them  think time and as much as possible to come up with the big questions/problems themselves
-continually ask throughout the process; self reflective questions to students; What have you learned differently this time? how has your opinion/point of view changed now? why do you feel that way?

-allow for self assessment throughout the inquiry process and model it openly how I'm using my new learning. to improve myself and understand my self as a learner as we all have our learning styles/strengths.Share examples of self assessment charts/rubrics with teachers to use.

 Let students know that I am a co creator in constructing higher order thinking/questions and together we are co teachers(which occurs naturally with the mixed ages in Montessori with peers) charts/rubrics with teachers to use.

- I will collaborate with colleagues keeping in mind the collaborative scale in order to promote IBL and email articles and be of assistance in class with multi literacy skills (,scientific, critical, visual ) in  best format selections of information based on differential needs/perspectives such as First Nations/LGBQ. Teaching for bias,authenticity,currency and search sites for credibility;hoax sites) giving students the ability to be critical democratic thinkers that can assess critically among diverse points of views and do not take information at a superficial level without thought.

-  selection of resources based on how they meet the IB reading/learning process and age levels(,hook,investigative,construct; reflection etc) and striving to access best format fits( copy; visuals; primary etc)

Inquiry is an all encompassing mindset that this course has really emphasized to me that its key to initially design/redesign as needed  from beginning to end of the non linear process and  I would be available to assist teachers who would like to add more inquiry into their units. Inquiry is an ongoing non linear process and learning to adapt to this mindset takes the same understanding so I would hope to be of assistance in teachers feeling more comfortable in designing/ redesigning for inquiry. To assist with this I would provide the variety of frameworks beside the BC curriculum points of inquiry as well as the concept based frameworks such as place based Inquiry; discrepant events and historical thinking.
 Going forward I will keep and display/explain the 5 points of inquiry framework in mind and kulthaus affective stages to support students in the process emotionally.

I feel that I have gained understanding/application of my 3 learning objectives. I have learned in this course  that its all about keeping the cycling of questioning/answering going deeper each time as I gain deeper learning(blooms taxonomy) while also learning from diverse points of views and keeping the excitement for learning/ asking and answering in order to inquire more and all the time modeling to students aloud the inquiry process which involves no silly questions with reflection/assessment all along the way.

Saturday, 30 November 2019


Why do Salmon matter?

 Inquiry Based Plan for grades 1/2


"Inquiry is defined as the rigorous apprenticeship into disciplinary ways of knowing"(Wilhelm)
 The characteristics as noted by Zeroing in on Inquiry by Sharon Coatner are wonderment,curiosity  higher-order thinking and it is messy and not linear."

 For my inquiry unit I choose to expand on the grade 1/2  BC curriculum  of, "Living things have life cycles based on their environment "and  raise their level of understanding by scaffolding collaboration learning experiences throughout the Inquiry based process with their Grade 7/8's buddies. I  subbed in my Montessori school in grade 1/2 class and observed how the 7/8's became co creators facilitating towards higher level learning .

Essentially scaffolded critical-thinking sessions that enable the entire class to engage in critical thinking at their own level.  By the end of the seminar, all students have raised their thinking to the level of the collective group and had become attuned to the “inner voice of reason” ( Cuny p. 56)

By delving into the BIG picture connections of the salmon's life cycle and extend desired understanding to deeper inquiry by making connections to how their environment has changed negatively because of humans  and therefore  impacting the salmons life cycle and ability to spawn which also affects other animals/first Nations/fisherman/tourism. ( application;synthesis,cause/effect)
In collaboration with the Kindergarten teacher; I'm aware that the K's have learned in depth about the salmons life cycle with several learning experiences so I can draw upon this previous knowledge. and assess their level of understanding to extend to new deeper learning using the BCTLA Points of Inquiry model  and Kuhlthau affective stages as a framework and Blooms taxonomy for constructing higher order questions towards IBL. As well  I choose this topic because it is a localized issue living in Victoria, BC that has recent coverage in the media and students can relate authentically to.
 implementing-Place-Based-Education this article provides rationale(examine where you live and  make larger connections from local to global context)The place based strategy will be shared with teachers as a  guideline.

Essential Questions and Learning Objectives:

The essential questions for grade 1/2 in which the IBP will be designed around but open to redesign in students words are: share with students so they are aware of what is being assessed by themselves and teacher.
What problems do salmon have in their  environment as they go through their life cycle in their journey to spawn?(vocabulary)
How does the declining salmon population affect other animals? Explain how with 2 animals.
How does the dropping salmon population affect people? Name  how with 2 groups.

Specific learning goals;
Students will identify two problems that salmon face such as dropping water levels caused by dams; hydro companies, polluted water, too much  commercial fishing allowed, warming water because of climate change;hatcheries/fish farms and disease,polluted water etc.
Salmon is needed for food by bears , whales,orcas,seals etc to survive.(134 species-Salmon stream)
Salmon fishing is an important part of First Nations cultural life for a long time . Fishing industry needs salmon or they could lose their jobs as well as the salmon fishing tourism.

 " A good essential question is the principle component of designing  inquiry based learning that requires student contributions and creating applications"(Wilhelm)Learning to love the questions. 'If there are no good questions there are no good answers"(Heick)

TL has key role in assisting the formulating of big picture questions at the end of the Connect/wonder stage before investigating. Share blooms taxonomy starter questions with teachers and students/ hand out to 7/8 students.Click here:Blooms taxonomy starter questions

Sample  Higher order questions include: (student input as much as possible for internal motivation)


What would the results be if all the salmon died? Explain why the salmons life cycle is significant to the life cycle of other species? What actions would you take to help the salmon?


How would you explain why salmon population has dropped a lot? why protect the salmon? How is the declining population of salmon connected to other animals and people?(First Nations /fisherman/bears/whales etc)

What is the most important factor in salmons declining life cycle in your view? Rate the order of factors. What data was used to show the salmons life cycle has been affected negatively? Evaluate how conservation methods are working presently and how would you change it?  Reflect on how much the salmon dropping numbers affects the First Nations cultural identity and evaluate what may happen to their lifestyle if salmon became extinct.

There is a variety of  Inquiry models to assist in the IBP which all have similar thought processes. I choose the BCTLA Points of Inquiry because I live and teach in BC and I liked the simplicity of it  and how the BC curriculum is aligned to it.   
As a TL I would copy and display the  BCTLA Points of Inquiry poster(downloadable on site) in the Learning Commons and distribute to interested teachers and offer to explain the process as well so it becomes internalized  and they recognize where they are in the process. I would also share the Points of inquiry collaborative planning guide for primary which I used that outlines the Inquiry based reading and learning for teacher and teacher Librarian.(there is  an elementary one as well) This helped me get the big picture when I filled it out.

Points of Inquiry collaborative Planning Framework Guide

Inquiry PLAN:(focus being grade 1/2's)

Alongside the 5 Point inquiry  framework is the corresponding Kulthaus Affective stage , click here: information search process and affective stages.  to assist students emotionally towards learning potential during the IBP. Assessment by TL and Teacher as well as self assessment occurs throughout as outlined in assessment section.Timeline  5/6 weeks (1 week per stage with some leeway for the unexpected cycling of points) starting beginning of October during spawning season.

 Displaying and explaining the BCTLA  5 Points of Inquiry  poster and Kulthaus affective stages   with teachers (2 in each class) and students so they are prepared for the inquiry mindset and begin to know how they learn(meta-cognition) empowers/motivates them internally for life long discovery. As a TL it's important to model excitement for discovery and let children know there are no silly questions but life is about  going beyond the facts and continually asking questions.

Collaborative  assessment scale

 Curated Tools/strategies provided/suggested by TL  according to the collaboration relationship as noted on this scale from isolation to ultimate collaboration. As a TL note  its important to know where your colleagues are in the collaboration scale. Click here;Collaborative Plan and teaching for Inquiry

Connect/wonder-Uncertainty and Optimism

First week in October/buddies Thurs.

This is the beginning stage to make  connections to previous learning and gain students internal motivation and excitement to want to know more and ask deeper questions as a provocateur.  Inquiry based learning is enhanced with a hook provocation or scenarios .Click here Jump start Inquiry for more.

Grade 1/2- teachers review previous learning in kindergarten with Montessori salmon life cycle cards/Nature Watch life cycle book and interactive  life cycle poster lessons and then  leave in the environment for students to take out to review and create more excitement for deeper learning(this is done previous week) .

STRATEGY: Teacher using Miller  4 quadrant framework( see Jump start link) will scribe students responses to  the reading of Salmon Stream as a provocative text at their grade level. Record; pre reading in the first quadrant. "What we think we know" using sticky notes. During reading pause for think time to scribe "Questions" and after reading each day scribe, "What we learned" and "Misconceptions."

On Thursday TL models synthesis if a learned fact equals" think we know"  by moving sticky note and movement from "think we learned and/or "learned" to last quadrant "Misconceptions" occurs when new knowledge comes to light. This lets students visually represent  the thought process and that learning evolves and can change.

 As a hook teacher begins  group discussion by asking; 'How do you think the salmons environment  is important to their life cycle?  Discuss their environments they need to survive in their life cycle.(stream/ocean)How do you think their environment has changed? Pass talking rock around circle so everyone can contribute inferences.
Read aloud book.Salmon_Stream  reading  a portion every day for 2 days;repeating the rhymes (its 32 pages). Tell students that you would like them to think of a question they want the answer to as you read. Pause to check understanding and encourage them to sing along to the repetitive rhyming phrases that explain the salmons life cycle and their interdependence on their environment and how their life cycle affects other species and people. Record on sticky note paper student responses. Record high level vocabulary as it comes up on poster board and have students put it into context.
Salmon Stream

Grade 7/8-  TL provide  to teacher the Times Colonist article on Sunday November 10th available digitally and students fill out the know  and what I want to learn while reading on  KWL handout. Before reading discuss previous experience/connection with salmon fishing/conservation etc.What have you heard about salmon in the media? Gather in small groups for think time then gather as a class. Spokesperson shares notes made in KWL handout.

 Hook to get students wondering is news article: Timescolonist salmons and bears connection
(we have subscription)

Thursday:  Gather in their small groups:7/8 buddy with  1-2 grade 1/2's. TL  in class provides  one salmon stream book per group (4 books) and grade 7/8's bring ipads with their recent Times Colonist news article that sparks interest in how the dropping salmon population affects other  animals such as bears and people.  7/8's  buddies scaffold their learning by reading aloud their article and asking the gr 1/2 to relate to them what they have learned from listening to and discussing Salmon Stream book while clarifying comprehension. Buddy writes on sticky notes and puts on quadrants.(see strategy)

 7/8's can record their own for deeper investigation.(see Blooms taxonomy examples)

TL's assess by monitoring students comprehension to provide scaffolding and and observing their learning interactions.

7/8 Spokesperson  per group reads aloud their sticky notes at end whole group gathering to share learning.

Investigate: Frustration/confusion

 Second week of October/buddies meet Mon/Thurs.

Expanding on their internal motivation teacher and TL guides grade 1/2  students towards Essential questions and specific learning goals to investigate. Teacher  and students  through guided discussion and referring to their notes;write out essential questions using students words as much as possible(see above for my examples)  Let students know they will assesses their own  learning effort along with teachers.(see assessment) 

This stage allows think time to go deeper with the meaning and interpretation behind  a variety of texts; fiction stories and non fiction; news articles,blogs,government articles and formats; videos; visual representation and real life authentic learning through a field trip to a Salmon Conservation Centre.
TL role involves the curated collection/pathfinder to attempt to meet students differentiated needs and help students to not get overwhelmed with information and keep focus on understanding and making  meaningful connections  to answer their essential questions .  

TL planned field trip to Charters creek Salmon Interpretive Centre in Sooke; school tours during October and November with naturalist explaining the salmon demonstration hatchery and salmons struggles to spawn. 7/8's bring notebook to jot questions/answers if discovered to add to growing knowledge. 1/2's  post trip:guided discussion teacher record questions/answers on poster. draw pictures adding their new learning with  vocabulary and short sentences. TL can  take pictures to print for students to use in the create stage.
 TL joins grade 7/8's t with more in depth connections through provided online links of newspaper articles and government sites. TL teaches skills of digital and information literacy  involved in ensuring information is reliable,relevant and credible site and informed selection of resources to understand bias/point of views etc which is a essential skill/understanding for the 21st century learner that promotes democracy and citizenship.


Grade 1/2's;
Lead up to further investigation on impact to first nations culture by  teacher rereading parts of salmon stream. Guiding Inquiry question: How do you think First Nations culture is affected?
  Teacher reads aloud; Salmon Boy book which highlights the Salish First Nations and the challenge of dropping salmon populations. Students begin to see a problem from another point of view learning about cultural literacy .
TL provides Discover Animals First Nations colouring book; students colour and respond in writing how they can relate to the salmons significance and characteristics as stated on Strong Nations posters.
(picture below)

 Buddies meet  to view together videos and read together selected articles(7/8's mostly) from TL's pathfinder list on ipads. Begin with KIDDLE search site .Grade 7/8's record on sticky notes and KWL sheet
Last 15 minutes  have groups share new questions/learning; add to quadrants and move slips if needed facilitated by TL and gather together at end to share in whole group.

Pathfinder List:

Digital tools
salmon/resources-Kiddle child search engine; under animals search salmon, 3 min video outlines the life cycle and why there are less salmon able to complete  their life cycle
Salmon populations How things work document includes further resources and extended questions

salmon population declines from  Global news BC-videos;Wild salmon of the Pacific and A salmon Life

timescolonist salmons and bears connection-article
timescolonist salmon and killer whales-article

 Additional Digital Links for grade 7/8's

raincoast conservation foundation contact/videos (located in Sidney, BC ; email/letter contacts) BC conservation foundation, news, projects
videos and relevant  government articles here:

Skype project. Connecting the water cycle with salmons life cycle(can be used as a continuation  into further inquiry)

Text-Children's illustrated Non-fiction

Literature-Salmon stream picture book(back of book more context and action/contact page)

First Nations View- Salmon Boy; ;also audio book option(19.95) I recommend too.

Nature Watch Life Cycle series-use as reference for interconnections of other animals life cycles relating to the salmons.(bear,whale)


Discovery First Nations Colouring Book

 StrongNation  animal posters 6 animals such as bears; killer whales,seals etc; most are connected to salmons life cycle.

Discovery First Nations Colouring Book


 Third week of October/ Mon/Thurs Buddies meet

At this stage small groups gather their co created constructed new knowledge to demonstrate new learning and make broader conceptual connections (7/8's conservation, interdependence).Grade 1/2's apply how the dropping salmons life cycle affects other animals and people.(cause/effect)
 TL is in class to assess formatively through mini conferences scaffolding/additional resources needed to  construct deeper learning to effectively answer their essential question. Summative assessment expectations are shared with students(see  assessment)
TL provide graphic organizers to organize information into conceptual understanding options such as Cause and Effect;(ex; Cause:water levels changes because of BCHydro company-video/Effect- adult salmon unable to spawn and die)
Result and Consequences(ex; Result:salmon declining life cycle/Consequences; animals who depend on salmon for food begin to suffer; bears have less salmon to eat before hibernation;whales less salmon to eat become weak/die; fisherman's livelihood affected; tourism etc;)
Paper divided in 5 for the life-cycle stages and write/draw environmental changes/obstacles for salmon.
TL  can share assessment options with teacher below for collaboration.

Express- Satisfaction or disappointment

4th week of October/Mon/Thurs Buddies meet

 At this stage small groups decide how they can effectively share their new knowledge with their classmates and transfer learning outside of the class to express it in an authentic way such as the email option.
TL can suggest inviting the grade 3/4 class and meet in the multi purpose room to transfer learning to a wider audience.
TL  suggests a display of new knowledge through these examples as well as suggesting the group could take on a particular view point such as /the salmons/orcas/First Nations/ fishing industry worker etc;

Expression of new knowledge options TL can share are:

- Interactive flannel board; we have a large black one;  cut out visual representation showing the salmons journey to spawn from river to ocean and back and  obstacles and explain how it affects their life cycle( dams, polluted water,hatchery salmon,over harvesting of fisheries, changing water levels-BCHydro,dams,climate change,warming ocean due to climate change)

-Storybook using salmons voice/grade 1/2's draw picture;showing salmons journey; could include photographs from field trip.

- Using the Discovery First Nations Coloring pages; colour all  the other animals that a declining salmon population affects reading their importance to their cultural identity and relating how they can personally  take on the cultural characteristics like a salmon as seen on poster as well as other affected animals.
-  write  out responses to interview  of an Elder about the declining salmon population impacts on their cultural identity(video also if allowed)

- persuasive letter or email written to Minister of Fisheries and Oceans;Johnathon Wilkinson click here for Take action page of the Raincoast conservation foundation contacts in Sidney BC. Use data from research. Cite sources.(gr 7/8's)

-drama; one child speaks for the salmon in it struggle to spawn and the others are the other affected animals and people(FN,fisherman,tourism)Create visual tools to show the salmons environment with cardboard,modeling clay etc;)

- Artwork; flyer; poster to display- Why protect the Salmon?;painting depicting salmons struggles, modeling clay diorama

-poem or song using Salmon Stream  book as an example.

- Flipgrid; short video promoting Why protect the salmon? Using visual representations and data, charts,graphs, poster ,photographs
Example of interactive board at my school but to create deeper learning add the captions for the obstacles salmon face in their journey from stream to ocean and back again to spawn.

Reflect-Increased self confidence/sense of accomplishment

Last week of October/First week of November(allowing extra time as needed throughout) 

 The last stage of the Inquiry based process is often overlooked and is essential for students to really think deeply how this new learning makes a difference in their own lives and how they can transfer this learning as global citizens. Allows opportunities for  check in and clarification of new learning through articulation/written responses etc;, Students reflect on their own level of contribution and if they felt they achieve to their potential.Reflection creates space for even more deeper questions so the  inquiry cycle begins again which is the goal of never ending learning. 
TL suggestions for reflection/overview of  deeper goals of learning include:

Grade 1/2's 
-pass talking rock around circle and students can reflect on; Why do salmon matter to us?
as a class form a letter to ministry of Fisheries and Oceans to summarize reasons. Have a few volunteers help write it with teacher and others draw pictures to add.

 Grade 7/8's break off into small groups to discuss ;jot notes then gather together  with spokesperson to share  and another volunteer writes point form summary on both;
 Why do salmon matter to us? and In your opinion what measures can be taken to help their life cycle?
Refer to back of Salmon Stream book for How to help/action page and organizations.

Using this new knowledge write  a class persuasive email to ministers of Fisheries and Oceans and Environment and Climate change.(names on contact Rainforest conservation)

Assessment as,for and of learning:

 Ongoing  formative assessment throughout the process is needed to twick/redesign the IBP cycle as needed to monitor for students optimal learning experiences. Formative assessment through mini conferences/check ins/exit slips are important for TL's to do to be observant for students frustration/boredom and be co creators in going deeper with applying/synthesizing information and going beyond the superficial/fact finding lower level thinking .The aim of Formative assessment as Fontichiaro states is to rethink, reteach and put students in the drivers seat in their learning needs while providing constructive feedback.
 Formative assessment, like a flexible mindset, reminds students that feedback isn’t punitive, and their current level of skill doesn’t. It can take on many forms from exit slips, mini conferences,physical manipulations etc.
Summative assessment is the end result of a new learning in which students can learn about themselves as learners and be able to synthesize how they learn.Students and teachers can use scales;charts; rubrics summary self assessments as well as teachers evaluations.

 The evidence for learning for this unit is:

Assessment As Learning:
-sharing learning through express stage.How well can they express/display their new learning?(observe for comprehension)
-teacher and  grade 7/8 student rubric feedback
-grade 1/2 check list self assessment and teachers
- teacher/TL observation of learning and recording observations in a journal
-grade 1/2 write a learning journal with a new sentence of learning each day with picture
- individual grade 7/8 students write their own extension of knowledge into further inquiry questions
(assessment of how they synthesized information in order to come up with new questions)
-Grade 1/2 draw a picture showing salmons journey including who else relies on salmons life cycle and labels that help explain picture.  (ex; river,ocean spawn, bear etc)

Assessment For Learning:
-talking circles
-check in on previous learning through discussion and use of materials
-Miller 4 quadrant strategy to show progression and growth in learning
-summary of new learning written on class poster and email letter
-regular check ins throughout IBP for comprehension/rethink/teach conceptual concepts to make deeper connections

 Assessment that is encompassing(For; As; Of)
-Miller 4 quadrant
-Charter  Creek Salmon Centre field trip
-reflection  class participation summary written and spoken


Throughout this process considerations as a TL in collaboration with teacher I would make are: 
 1. Accommodate differentiation of  learning needs; preferred modes of learning and interests and special needs by providing a variety of formats to best meet their needs.
 In this unit I attempted to accommodate learners by providing both hard and audio copy of salmon book as well as visuals; posters,cards and videos and first hand primary sources such as the field trip to salmon centre. I would also suggest the audio read aloud options  which were available in some websites.
.2. In order for TLs and teachers to personalize learning and put students in the driving seat  to be in charge of their learning potential requires  that a trusting relationship is crafted; this is where collaboration with teachers to provide more details is key. I"m presently only a TOC so I'm not able to get a full picture of their differential needs. TL and teacher's strategic forming of buddies with their grade 1/2's sets the stage for students co creating while accommodating/scaffolding for learning as well as practicing social interactions.
Forming the right mindset to enable  a collaboration relationship(assurance win/win enrichment not prisoners dilemma of mistrust-The new power of collaboration TED talk) through conversations asking colleagues how and when can I be of assistance?  Consider their point of view and developing from the level of collaboration they are at.Collaboration Assessment tool is helpful in determining the progression.
 3.As a TL I would be mindful and strategic in incorporating the teaching/skills for multi literacies and the process of selecting the best credible resource for their learning need in this  information age.
In this unit I planned for an in class digital and information literacy with the diverse online articles, videos and websites with an in class session with the grade 7/8's. As well as visual literacy with the selection of posters/cards/photography including First nations illustrations and cultural literacy  with respect to First nations through the reading of Salmon boy and artistic FN coloring book. Click here for more on  the goals of Differential learning.

As a TL I would teach to the broad goals of digital literacy teaching critical thinking(be aware of hoax sites;biases etc;) problem solving; creativity and innovation and communication/collaboration. The BC Education Digital Literacy provides a framework to draw upon.

 21st century is the information age and students need to be digital literate and capable of selecting wisely their sources of information that can come in many formats. The TL is a bridge that can provide the skills;resources and inspiration to be life long learners.

In conclusion this assignment has made me really think through the mind processes when designing/redesigning for inquiry based learning and setting the stage for students to be internally motivated to be motivated to want to know more in a deeper level while modelling an inquiry mindset in co creating new learning that lead to more and more questions to be answered  which is the cyclical nature of inquiry for life!


Coates, Sharon. "Zeroing In On Inquiry". Web.A.Ebscohost.Com.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,

Gettingsmart.Com, 2019,

UBC Library | Ezproxy Login". Search-Proquest-Com.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,

"Contact Us | Raincoast Conservation Foundation". Raincoast Conservation Foundation, 2019,

"Digital Literacy - Province Of British Columbia". Www2.Gov.Bc.Ca, 2019,

Education.Illinoisstate.Edu, 2019,

"Colouring / Activity Books - Indigenous & First Nations Books - Strong Nations". Strongnations.Com, 2019,

"Video Archives - Wild Salmon Center". Wild Salmon Center, 2019,

Fontichiaro, Kristin, and Julie Green. “Jump-Start Inquiry: How Students Begin When They Don’t Know.” School Library Monthly, vol. 26, no. 5, Jan. 2010, pp. 22–23. EBSCOhost,

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Learning Log 4

                               Part #1

A  particularly important  DESIGN ELEMENT when planning for Inquiry based learning within a School learning commons  for a teacher librarian is collaboration  with classroom teachers/stakeholders and students for setting the stage for  inquiry based learning and teaching:Major considerations are listed here Collaborative Plan and teaching for Inquiry Without a connection there can be no cooperation and coordination for ultimate collaboration relationship and it would not be possible to have a greater input in reaching beyond the learning commons.
 School Librarian Collaboration chart

Of the 6 points of inquiry  model;I feel the TL has the most input on the investigate and construct phase. The key component of investigate phase is the TL role in the curation of  diverse resources that assist in inquire based learning that address/make connections to the bigger picture beyond the superficial and differential learning needs for a particular  grade  so their Investigation go deeper in being able to explore higher order questions and  suggest connections to their lives and possible tools to assist.(field trips,emails;Skype,experts contacts ) TL's can be a bridge  to IB resources that classroom teachers are unaware of and knowledgeable in the variety  and best choice of formats.

TL's  can make a difference toward tweaking /redesign to IBL in construct phase to bring the new learning beyond the superficial to higher order thinking by scaffolding and assisting classroom teacher in constructing their understanding to spark the motivation to apply/analysis, synthesize and evaluate and build upon their increasing knowledge to more abstract concepts making broad connections; seeing patterns; recognizing how it affects us and is a timely and is reoccurring throughout time. Construct phase  with intention for higher order thinking leads to critical thinking Dear Teachers:The learning Commons and the future of learning  and TL's can take the initiative with the classroom teacher. TL's   can as best as able within the space arrange a variety of physical spaces that are conductive to collaboration/discussion from cozy areas with pillows to larger groupings with accessibility to plug ins and movable furniture to rearrange.

The aspects of Inquiry design/redesign that I find the most rewarding are being able to design for students to be more in charge of their learning co creators/co constructors and the cycle of  building upon each others ideas that drives higher order thinking/questions and to be available to intervene  only when needed so students don't became frustrated or bored especially while online as stated here :Wondering plus online inquiry  I appreciate the Inquiry leveling provided in this article as a talking point with teachers from the most structured-Modeled to Structured to Guided and the  least guidance being Open inquiry. It would be rewarding to be a facilitator of students arriving at a newer/broader understanding/appreciation and connection to themselves in their learning!

The challenging aspect which I found while doing the first curation assignment is locating/ sourcing out appropriate resources that spark wonder and are suited to particular students abilities and curriculum. often many digital resources ; and most database bundles like BC ERAC come with a subscription price based on population and must be  bought into by the principal/board and be justified for the school budgeting. As well it is not easy to find resources that are diverse and reach all students equally. Our school being private could justify the database cost.
Also the physical limitations of the learning commons space in accommodating a range of student with furniture designed for collaboration/work spaces and social groupings for brainstorming etc;  is a challenge.Our library is small so bigger groups could not use it but every classroom has a library space.

Part 2

I choose to compare a physical education inquiry model  to  the Ontario  librari associations model because this is an area that i have taught and enjoy and I think may be overlooked in the Inquiry based learning process.  This is  the link here to Andy a physical educator is found here: Physical Education Inquiry

I compared with the OLA inquiry model here:

These 2 inquiry models both contain the encompassing IBP learning concepts and have many  similarities as well as a few differences .They both endorse a non linear freedom to go back and forth as well as having a pre-inquiry (Phys-ed) and exploring stage (OLA) that sets the planning  for Inquiry based learning to happen with making connection to prior knowledge and formulating engaging questions leading towards deeper learning and proof of learning through demonstrating skills/understanding(phys-Ed) or creating a product and then transferring learning/taking action.

The Phys Ed model mentions beliefs/values/experiences in the first pre phase;Starting the Inquiry Journey stage which  affects a students going further in learning and of note for inquiry learning (girls may hold biased beliefs about how they view themselves as scientist or being physically active) Taking the think time to glean as much as possible about your students helps set the stage for  inquiry learning(differentiated) and who needs particular scaffolding for successful learning.(pairing with stronger student; softer ball etc;)
The phys-Ed model makes a distinction with the stages of assessment with the pre-assessment opportunities gathered from  pre phase (beliefs etc;) and phase one-Introduction by observing for connection to prior knowledge and  stimulating questioning etc to the phase 2 formative assessment opportunities in the Learning experience stage 2 where it is more evident with ongoing scaffolding to assist skills/understanding observed in movement to the summative assessment opportunities at phase 4, Culmination after deeper learning opportunities to observe improved skills and understanding. In phys-ed with observation it is easier to assess skills and understanding that sometimes may go undetected in other subject areas. Intervention at the right time is key.
The OLA model notes assessment  of product and process (meta cognition; not noted in Phys-Ed model) in the last stage of Creating. Allowing students to understand how they learn and the process using the  inquiry model ; I believe is key so they can find themselves in the process and continually reflect and move towards an inquiry mindset. As a TL these models should be shared with students not just staff so they can begin to incorporate these stages as a life long skill for deeper learning and not accepting the superficial only.
A noted difference between the two models  is the OLA includes an add- on of affective stages of how students feel throughout the stages with specific examples from apprehension at the Exploring stage to satisfaction at the end Creating stage. I think this can be applied to the phys- ed model too especially for some students who have received negative feedback on their athletic abilities/ bodies shaming etc and  students need to be taught that these feelings are normal throughout the process ad teachers can support them so students do not give up under frustration. 
The phys-ed model incorporated reflection throughout which the OLA does not which is a key component for students and staff to have think time and  reflect in order to transfer/incorporate a new understanding into meaningful reaction/action.

I would suggest that in the Phys-ed model I would plan for drawing out the broader concepts of team work, determination, perseverance etc that are noted in  the deeper learning phase 3 at the pre inquiry stage with scenarios; visual hooks;(Terry Fox picture) and guided questions if needed then after the learning experiences draw upon their new knowledge and application to themselves and society.
 In visual representation; the OLA I noted how it leveled the 3 stages within the stages  in a circle  therefore providing greater guidance in the process but should be used as a guideline and the phys-ed simply noted characteristics with  freedom of movement indicated with arrows in a box.

This exercise allowed me to synthesize Inquiry Based Process information and view the similarities of inquiry models within the broader concepts of Inquiry based learning. 

"UBC Library | Ezproxy Login". Journals-Sagepub-Com.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,

"UBC Library | Ezproxy Login". Search-Proquest-Com.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,

"UBC Library | Ezproxy Login". Journals-Sagepub-Com.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,

"UBC Library | Ezproxy Login". Search-Proquest-Com.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,
"PYP PE With Andy". PYP PE With Andy, 2019,

Accessola.Org, 2019,

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Assignment One Curation

  Assignment 1             Curation and Selection of 10 Resources:  Concept: Life Cycles

My selection of resources began with  the  BC curriculum grade 2 science Big idea: Living things have life cycles adapted to their environment; then as I delved further into the Inquiry Based pedagogy I began to intentionally expand and make wider connections cross curricular/grade levels because as a TL  I would strive to focus on the complexity/multiple dimensions of the more abstract concept of LIFE CYCLES  WITHOUT LIMITATIONS  to encourage higher order thinking and questioning of Inquiry based learning.

With this abstract concept in mind I attempted to curate a  wide set of resources that  best meets my schools demographics/needs where learning goes deep beyond the school walls to make connections  as global citizens of the 21st century. Click here for incorporating resources through BC teacher librarian Points of Inquiry framework with a 6 prong inquiry points with Inquiry based reading and IB learning benchmarks by grade levels. The 6 points which are used interchangeable are; Connect and wonder,Investigate, Construct,Express and Reflect.
Points of Inquiry

 I conducted a search inquiry on the BC Education curriculum search site under the concept of life cycles with no limitations to get the overall big picture of higher order thinking for K to 12 big ideas,content and curricular competency. I noticed a common big idea that kept appearing across many disciplines/subjects which was: DESIGN for the life-cycle includes consideration of social and emotional impacts. In the broader conceptual abstract sense this can refer to humans; animals, plants,and the cycles essential for life on earth;sun,stars,water and planets and the seasonal cycles created and how these diverse cycles affect us socially;economically and emotionally.(climate change etc;)
  As a TL its essential to begin with an understanding of the overarching connections/concept based big picture and provide  a variety of formats/multi literacy resources  for differential  unique learners with  a variety of  strengths ,weaknesses and cultural backgrounds as outlines in the redesigned BC curriculum . 
 I noted that the  Aboriginal perspective with in the BC curriculum  was; "understanding  how they use their knowledge of life cycles" . Aboriginal Perspectives for Education K-12         
 I checked  the BC curriculum for how I could insert fiction resources/ storybooks/novels into the synthesizing of life cycles. Under curricular competencies I noted, "fairytales and folktales illustrate universal aspects of life" and the life experiences,culture and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text." from this I sought to add a  fiction source..
 My desire as a TL would be provide resources that promote contextualized learning that engage students( relevant doing not knowing) motivating a spark of interest in wanting to go deeper ;cycling in learning - as you know more you pose higher order questions and problems.Students are  contributors participating in constructing their leaning discovery and are given time to reflect and share.  For more rational read:Inquiry Approach Rewards.
  Students and teachers are co creators of  never ending learning that is not contained but expanding. enriching by  making authentic interconnections across all disciplines. 
 My Life cycles concept encompassed across many subjects including science,social studies,math and literature from k to 12.

This background enabled me to  curate a contrasting list of resources with IBL processes in mind when planning for a learning plan as opposed to a lesson plan. Check out:Lesson plan to Learning plan. I attempted to curate a list to be responsive to differentiated  learning as further stated here;Goals of differentiation to scaffold learners towards their potential. 

  Collaboration is key to the curation of resources so input from all stakeholders is key. Check out: Creating conversations for Librarians:School libraries as sites of Participatory culture.
and use of professionally evaluated resource lists such as  bcbooksforbcschools ,School library Journal reviews etc; Commonsense media for educators K-7-Authentic Aboriginal-Resources as well as platforms for curation such as LibGuides and Symbaloo.

Annotation  curation of 11 best resources in Learning Commons for concept LIFE CYCLES by format.

 Digital resources

1.National Geographic for  Kids   Check out;"Mission to the moon" creation  videos and many more short video clips such as the daily cycles of the moon and tides and life cycles of holidays/celebrations. grades K-5. Brief description sets up students for further exploration of life cycles.

2. Wonderopolis "What Goes On Inside A Cocoon?".wonderpolis.Org, 2019,
.-inquiry based questions; short video; highlighted words and Try it out activity, sparks students interest grades 1-6 Check out:  What goes on inside a cocoon? ;Why does the moon change shape?  the Life formation of Earth with; How did earth Begin?  What would Earth be like without the sun?( sun/moon cycles)and consideration of the social/environmental aspects "How can you make earth a better place?"

3. .BBC Earth;  oBarras, Colin. "The Animals And Plants That Can Live Forever". Bbc.Com, 2019,
 comprehensive indepth coverage of Big questions/Discoveries and videos for grades 4-12 free with engaging photography. 757 results under life cycles. Check out: Can animals and plants live forever?  and Earth Timeline.


4. Flipgrid "Flipgrid Resources — Flipgrid". Flipgrid, 2019,
Easy to use short recorded videos of ideas,work and stories shared globally with educator sign up. Use it to  record life cycles happening from a bud to a flower, caterpillar to butterfly;pregnancy life cycle or the stages of human life and the differing views depending on the culture and gender(ie: Girls vs boys life;  how seniors are viewed etc;or the effects of the moon/tide cycles changing because of global warming.) authentic videos to address the social/emotional side.


5. Montessori Life cycle cards Chitwood, Deb. "Montessori-Inspired Life Cycle Activities". Living Montessori Now, 2019, Quality real life pictures with small plastic representations.Many life cycle choices from turtles, beans,chickens,frog, butterfly etc from Safari Ltd. or Amazon and others.

6..Timelines-timelines-timelines -Timelines, Timelines!. "Timelines, Timelines, Timelines! - Montessori Services". Montessori Services, 2019, .  Ideal for K-5; visuals of different formats of timelines including circle,map table,pictorial. Check out Montessori  pictorial timelines and life cycle cards/real life representations from Alisons  Montessori supplies and Neinhuis.

Neinhuis timeline of Creation of Life

8.  Montessori Timeline of the Eras -Products, New et al. "Timeline Of The Eras". Nienhuisusa, 2019,
Explore big concepts of history of all major events in linear form from Big bang to human Genome project.

 Non fiction Text

9. Nature watch Life cycle Book series Life cBooks), Life. "Life Cycle Book Series Set - Books About Life Cycles". Nature-Watch, 2019,  10 series;32 page each for K-3 real life visuals to investigate Animal and Plant Life Cycles .

10. Turtle Island Books. Bc.Ca, 2019, The story of North America First Peoples;Grade 4-9; human history with Indigenous focus;making connections between past and present;includes visuals,inquiry projects;timelines and art projects.On 2018/19 BC Indigenous book list for BC Schools.Based on archaeological finds and scientific research.

11.Salmon stream."Resource". K-12 Resource Collection, 2019,
K-6;picture book; stages of a salmons life in rhyming text;cross curricular application;delves into life cycles;ecosystems and environmental awareness. colorful illustrations.

Primary first hand sources:

My Montessori preschool class made an caterpillar environment in a glass aquarium and watched as it  metamorphosis into a butterfly then let it go free. Along side were the life cycle cards and plastic representations to manipulate.

Encourage students to share their own stories; go on a nature walk; invite an expert biologist/scientist /elder etc  to come in.

Use Skype for Educators to interview an expert,go on a virtual field trip or collaborate with other  virtual classes learning and sharing.

 How did this curation address a diversity of skills,backgrounds and abilities?

My Montessori school is preschool to grade 8 and by the Gorge area in Victoria BC with a middle income and largely Caucasian  population with a small percentage of Indigenous students;Sikh religion and black race students as well as a few LGBQ students(grade 8)

My curation addressed my schools age range well with a variety of formats; audiovisual,visual,digital;primary;concrete representation and text. Unfortunately I was unable to obtain a fiction source based on life cycle concept as I hoped with my searches only one for grade 11/12.This was also the case for LBGQ resources. There were many results for Indigenous resources to choose from.
 I selected one Indigenous resource, Turtle Island from the BCERAC  evaluated  curated resources because it  made connections from the past to present to the future based on scientific collaboration.This book was  also recommended on the BC Indigenous book list in 2018. It also included cross curricular resources such as Inquiry projects covering grades 4-9.
I choose a salmon resource because its specific to our locale living by the ocean and the salmon life cycle is part of the K/1 curriculum and this source had many cross curricular literacy aspects. I choose the Nature watch life cycles hard cover series for its diversity of life cycles and easy to read/read aloud to younger students with real photography allowing students a variety of choices of life cycles to learn/compare etc.
Digital resources I  chose included  Earth BBC because of the importance of making the connections to our home and the environmental impacts of changes in life cycles while the other two fitted the younger students better and were free and easy to navigate.

How do you think it will enhance engagement with the topic?

The digital resources I viewed as a springboard to spark interest and provide a basis to form deeper questions and higher order thinking possibilities. (Connect and Wonder)The audiovisual resource Flip could be used as sharing /assessment tool with classmates. Visuals of life cycle cards and timelines I choose because they are Montessori materials that are durable and realistic and gives visual learners a concrete way of viewing a stages/cycles giving them examples in forming their own with many visual options such as charts;maps,tables circles etc. with a lot of opportunity for choice and discussions alongside the visuals.
Wonderpolis digital resource I found engaging for children because of its question format that naturally sparks curiosity in children even providing an opportunity for their own questions and comments cycling into KWL (Know,Wonder,Learn chart)

How do you think it will expand students reading,writing, speaking and technological capacities?

The variety of formats allows for students to expand their capacities in many ways.
For example;  Wonderopolis had the option of  listening with an audio feature or reading as well as short embedded video clips.The highlighted key words helped students to check in on their comprehension and opportunity for investigation for further constructing of context. The 3 question; Did you get it? is a quick self  assessment for students to use for their understanding. This resource is useful for leading students into higher order questioning and have them write out their own to spark  Inquiry based learning and then reading what they learned aloud with a choice of how they want to show their application/synthesis of learning. Digital sources could be used like Google docs or Buncee(A child centered platform like PowerPoint but easier to use) to express learning and share.

The visuals provide literacy opportunities in  learning about the use of pictographs/symbols and visualizing a large amount of time to scale by being able to read what it represents and be able to speak about it and create their own. Timelines can be done digitally and/or by hand artistically and gives students an opportunity to work with visual tools and make connections to how all around us we communicate through symbols/pictographs etc and  it is a life skill.
The text resources can be utilized in varing ways to enhance IBL as the connect and wonder/investigate stages generally (teacher or students both co create)  I would suggest partners or mixed ages like we do (grades 1/2 meet with grades 7/8) The series is high interest with colorful real life photographs to speak about but with lower vocabulary so easily comprehended and  through reading, listening., doing(life cycle charts with figurines; we have butterfly frog etc;) form wonder questions/problems.  I choose the series for its cross curricular(science,LA, math-fractions /calculating time periods in understanding cycles) and real life connections since many of the life cycles featured are everyday plants and animals that children have experience with and will also relate to the  real life illustrations.Students are motivated to wonder; why is the life cycle of a dog less then a human? how does the life cycle of a frog compare to a butterfly? why do you think the life cycle of bees are being affected?  Constructing the deeper analysis  and sharing it  takes on all forms above including dramas, artistic expression, dioramas,scripts; poems, Vimeo/SchoolTube etc.

 I decided on selecting a life cycle series hard cover books over more digital sources because my school only goes to grade 8 and these books are great for beginning to wonder/investigate with a concrete source and then by using more then one  life cycle to make connections. The grade 1/2 are going on a field trip to see the salmon spawning so the salmon book helped to increase their inquiry and relate to their experience. Hard copies are easier for younger students to manage independently and not get get lost online without a clear purpose. The BBC Earth digital site I felt was best for older students grade 5 and up and it gave them links to further information which older students can manage while Wonderopolis and National Geographic was suited for the younger students because of the text complexity and vocabulary and  level of questions format.  I choose life cycle and timelines visual representations because of the complexity /time ranges involved with the more abstract understanding of life cycles and visual literacy skills to make meaning of broad concepts within the context of a timeline.

 I tried to include differing formats to encourage trans-literacy learning that would spark their internal motivation and assists with teaching critical thinking that is essential in the digital age in ensuring the truthfulness/credibility of sources and creating open minded democratic citizens.


Bctladotca.Files.Wordpress.Com, 2019,

"Curriculum Overview | Building Student Success - BC's New Curriculum". Curriculum.Gov.Bc.Ca, 2019,

Www2.Gov.Bc.Ca, 2019,

Sasksla.Weebly.Com, 2019,

"UBC Library | Ezproxy Login". Web.B.Ebscohost.Com.Ezproxy.Library.Ubc.Ca, 2019,

Fnesc.Ca, 2019,