Sunday, 23 September 2018

Community Analysis and Report

Community Analysis and Report  - Assignment 1                                                    

 My choice for analysis and report is grade 7 and 8 physical education and health for an independent Montessori school. Physical education is a personal passion of mine and I  taught it to the lower elementary grades 1 to 3 and upper elementary grades 4 to 6  as well as young children aged 3 to 6 at a Montessori school in Calgary. Unfortunately; I did not complete specialized classes in University but did complete an Alberta fitness training and Montessori course called Montessori Movement Matters aligning  with  the Montessori philosophy for young children. I enjoy all movement and believe in its  beneficial affect on our emotional and mental as well as physical being. Check out Spark-Revolutionary-Science-Exercise-Brain book. I still regularly run ( my favorite); hike and bike and do yoga classes.

To assist in environmental scanning  of student and staff needs these are the major themes that I explored and reported on:


 To access the main learning objectives within this subject  area I went to the BC Education site which I had not read up on a lot since I moved recently from Alberta.  The curriculum pictograph of the three interlacing circular learning concepts was a picture of how learning is interconnected curriculum/overview and model. My school is multi grades so I compared the grade 7 and 8  curriculum for similarities (majority), extensions and new objectives. I liked how the model was circular in nature  not a linear concept with the  interlocking circular learning objectives  that students will be able to:
In Montessori we try to keep the content concise to spark their interior motivation for doing. The big lessons are to give a broad perspective on "Why are we learning this?" helping to put learning into perspective especially for older students.(who think abstractly) This model was helpful in combining my Montessori philosophy as it aligns with a common 3 period lesson we use called the-three-period-lesson. In simpler terms for young students involves;
1.This is..(content) 2. show me (do; action) 3.what is this?(understanding)

I compared the grade 7 and 8 curriculum and edited by highlighting in red the differences in level of higher thinking skills and content objectives. I did this to help me clarify the collection needs. The  grade 8 big ideas differ in scope with emphasis on life long participation and future relationships. Grade 7 big ideas emphasis was on self  and  their responsibility for success and understanding changes  occurring  in their lives.( I tried to post URL/or image but because blogger is not compatible with Microsoft word document they would not let me)
In content the grade 8 curriculum included additional objectives to make healthy sexual decisions , awareness of marketing and advertising tactics aimed at youth and awareness of media and social media influences related to psychoactive substance use and potentially addictive behavior. Overall there were few differences in outcomes between grade 7 and grade 8.

The main  broad goal objectives from BC Education Curriculum are listed below:

The BC Physical and Health Education curriculum contributes to students’ development as educated citizens through the achievement of the following goals. Students are expected to
  • develop an understanding of the many aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, and social
  • develop the movement knowledge, skills, and understandings needed for lifelong participation in a range of physical activities
  • develop knowledge, skills, and strategies for building respectful relationships, positive self-identity, self-determination, and mental well-being
  • demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to make informed decisions that support personal and community health and safety

DATA COLLECTION of School and Community:

Selkirk Montessori is located in an urban environment in the community of Burnside/Gorge
 in  the north west corner of Victoria very close to the Gorge waterway and an original trestle bridge built by
 the CPR.  Our school has a Casa preschool program for ages 3 to 6 then split grades of 1/2,
 3/4; 5/6 and 7/8. It is surrounded by modern condos on both sides as well 
as retail and private businesses are close by . Within a few minutes walk is the
 Gorge harbor front used for small boats such as canoes and kayaks.
 We sometimes need to remind students to keep noise level down on the rooftop play areas
because of the adjacent residents. There are currently 294 students attending. 
We offer a before and after school program for working parents for all ages.


1. My schools  board of directors created a three year  strategic plan found here ;
Selkirk montessori strategic-planning-2016 .This up dated plan was  based on the results
by a survey given to school community including staff asking; Why they choose Selkirk?
What they value? Why they stay? What is most important to change?
Post consultation was with parents, teachers and administrators
 and their input helped create the updated version.The vision included
 tuition bursary for needy families, personal and educational development for students and
 teachers salaries.
 This is a positive example of including all stakeholders in their vision for the future.

 2. Victoria News on April 24th, 2014 article on Selkirk's school 3rd floor expansion;
 click here for more;Selkirk School 2014 Expansion..They added two more outdoor rooftop
 play spaces on the 3rd floor,one for younger and one for older students.
We share an adjacent green lawn and cement area with the community.
They also added a library and multi purpose room costing 1.6 million in 2014.(recent library
3.The City of Victoria; Departments/Planning~Development/Community~Planning/Local~Area~Planning/Burnside~Gorge
was very detailed in their analysis. I searched for any mention of our school within the sub
 neighborhood of Selkirk/Cecelia but there was none. This area was the original Salish First
 Nations home and the location of the Hudsons bay Company. Which I thought would be
 an interesting facts to share with students.
Data from this document is listed below:
  • 75% of dwellings are apartments rest are multi dwellings like town homes(very few single homes)
  • 6,000 residents in 2,800 households
  • 1,400 private and public employers (that's me!)
  • 44.4 median age
  • $45,277 median income
  • 50% are single parent homes(that was surprising to me)
  • 21% low income
4. The site (based on Statistics Canada data)provided a snapshot of the neighborhood for a prospective buyer:
  • 41% had children at household
  • $44,395 median income
  • largest percentage had high school education followed by university degree
  • projected drop in population growth
5.  I surveyed the main administrator of our school and this was the data received:

294 students, 51 staff, 120 preschool children, 23 designated special need students,
1 ESL student form Korea (we do not offer an ESL program)

The school was started by volunteer parents and Administrative  head Karen Colussi in 1988 with 115 students
and was originally called The Pacific Montessori Society. A fire almost destroyed the original school but
 Comusun College let them use their portables. In 1998 they moved into our present location on Jutland Dr. In Victoria.
An important note to consider is my school is an independent school so it draws
 from all of  Greater Victoria as confirmed by our administrator and there's no bus transportation at all.


Below is a collection of resources and partners/ associations that provide information for assisting students in  learning the curriculum objectives: resources network- this is a very comprehensive website that
 includes: active living, healthy relationships, healthy eating and healthy practices
There is a Healthy School Network(open learning and contributors) and many links to
 resources and grants.; this Canada wide online resource is a comprehensive resource that
provides resources for the 7/8's in physical literacy;healthy living as well as mental health
 with the Teach Resiliency program as well as data feedback for students with the Passport
 For Life resource.

3.BC. Physical Educators online source is a collection of resource links to each
 province/territory physical educators site.Most helpful was ;The Hero In You -youth education
 program that inspires passion in life and responsibility for individual success as well as a
connection to athlete talks through the BC. Sports Hall of Fame. is a frequently updated and added to by educators with games/ ideas
and is categorized by grade level. Formats are hard copy (Amazon) or electronic
with video viewing.I follow them on Twitter. 
5.The Physical Educator Journal ; hard and electronic versions with 
some free access to articles; particularly for special needs;
6. youtube-stop stereotyping; with the use of smart boards Utube videos are an excellent
resource especially for this age group. this is just one example that addresses stereotyping
(part of grade 8 social and community health competencies)
 I used  UTube when I taught a running immersion week showing running form etc; and
they really liked it.
7.#pegeeks- a collaboration of ideas and resources from PE teachers
from around the world. I follow them on twitter.

 Collection  located in  School library:

8.Asking questions about media; from Cherry Lane Press is a grade 4 and up series that
address all forms of media. Most useful titles for the 7/8's are ;Body Image In Advertising
 and Food Advertising. It comes in hard copy; paper copy;PDF; and ebook format.
9.New Speaking of Sex book; also in ebook. Author Meg Hickling
has a series based on age appropriate topics. Our book is ideal for the grade 8 objective.
10.The Compassionate Classroom, Relationship based teaching and Learning;
 comes in paperback or kindle app. Includes lesson plans; activities and surveys
 that help address the mental well-being and social and community health such as bullying
and discrimination.

 COLLECTION IN STAFF ROOM(Teacher access only)

11.Physical Education Resource Binder ; includes BC curriculum, modifications for special needs
and assessments.
12. Healthy Choices Binder; categorized by grade. I found this resource very useful because
 the detailed lessons covered the specific curriculum dealing with the mental / emotional
health as well. It included teacher information and photocopy sheets.
13.Orientation to Child and Youth Mental health services; a  booklet resource of referrals created by
 the Society for Kids Mental Health. For example; eating disorders; drug use etc.
This is good for further outreach into the community.

14.Physical Education Children Lesson Plans by Thomas Lee large paper back
useful lessons up to grade 8.
15.Ready Physical Education Activities Grades 7 to 9; by Pearson Landy. I have used this before
 and they are an easy to apply lessons. His series comes in paper copy for multi grades of K-2;3-4 and 5-6)
Reference resource for Mental health


I spoke to the part time librarian for scheduling information. She also teaches french and  grade 1 to 4 physical 
education in the mornings. She indicated to me that because one corner of the library is also used for sessions by
 the Learning Assistance teacher there is only space for a few fixed scheduling. The grade 1/2's and 5/6's have a fixed yearly schedule
 and the 3/4's are scheduled for an Information gathering classes once a week in October. Its important to note that
 each class has their own library corner with fiction and non fiction books at their level.
 The rest  of grades are on a flexible schedule. She works in the library in the afternoons so students are free to come down for assistance from their classes
 to check out books. The younger students also can come with parents before school and until 4 pm after school.


Other resources that assist in supporting the physical education and health curriculum for grade 7 /8 are:

1. SELKIRK ROCKS  School wide program; which stands for:


ALL of the staff and classrooms promote/model and discuss these life themes and when a student exhibits
  a trait the teacher describes the action on a small card that they can keep. This promotes 
strategies for maintaining relationships and well being of their community.(social and community health)
There is a display case of painted Selkirk rocks that students have painted for all to see as a reminder
of the school community values.

2.BC. Education, Aboriginal Education teaching tools and resources. This is useful in cultivating
respect for First Peoples land, history and perspectives and addressing stereotyping/discrimination(themes in both
grade 7 and 8) . Awareness through sharing and discussing of the First Peoples Principles of Learning within curriculum learning. For example; importance of
reciprocal relationships and experiential learning. Here is the poster displayed in our classrooms.

3.Canadian School libraries; Advancing learning Community to  achieve School Goals;Leading Learning document.
This growth rubric of major themes and collaborators involved in the progression of goals that
 facilitate best learning practices for the 21st century learner. . An community analysis and report
is an essential step in the facilitating the emerging goal for school improvement so the,"library learning
 commons leadership team ensures that COLLECTIONS, FACILITIES and PROGRAMS
 are guided by school/district and provincial policies and the emerging teacher librarian collaborative role
to monitor access of usage of  the learning commons(scheduling) in alignment with school improvement goals.

4.The Collection program in Schools ebook; provides useful surveys that help to align library resources
and services with best meeting the learning needs of the 21st century students. The survey examples address library user
needs, improvement and usage.

This  investigative assignment was useful in awareness of a specific collection within a particular school environment
and making the connection to the learning needs and goals of the school community .


Mardis, Marcia. The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts and Practices, 6th Edition. 6, Libraries Unlimited, 2016. ABC-CLIO,

Fuchs, Melani, and Diane Craft. "Movement Matters | An Album For Teaching Movement In Montessori Early Education Programs". Montessorimovementmatters.Com, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

Hagerman, Eric, and John J Ratey. Spark. Little, Brown And Co., 2014.

"Physical And Health Education 7 | Building Student Success - BC's New Curriculum". Curriculum.Gov.Bc.Ca, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

"The Three-Period Lesson - Montessori Services". Montessoriservices.Com, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

"Strategic Planning 2016 | Selkirk Montessori". Selkirkmontessori.Ca, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

North, Natalie. "Selkirk Montessori Begins $1.6M Expansion - Victoria News". Victoria News, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

Victoria.Ca, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

"Check Out This Listing On REALTOR.Ca". M.Realtor.Ca, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

"Healthy Schools Network". Healthyschoolsbc.Ca, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

"Home | PHE Canada". Phecanada.Ca, 2018, Accessed 23 Sept 2018.

"PEBC - Physical Education In British Columbia". Bctf.Ca, 2018, Accessed 24 Sept 2018.

Physedgames.Com, 2018, Accessed 24 Sept 2018.

"The Physical Educator". Js.Sagamorepub.Com, 2018, Accessed 24 Sept 2018.

"Asking Questions About Media - Series - Cherry Lake Publishing". Cherrylakepublishing.Com, 2018, Accessed 24 Sept 2018.