These are my understandings and feelings derived from this class:
1.Big Ideas of reference services are:
- Reference process begins with TL in making the connection with the student/staff and their need for information through the reference interview;active listening is key
- Learning Common reference service terminology to communicate concisely with all stakeholders involved(including parents; students; school boards and committees)
- TL's role in accessing the best reference resources (print or digital or both)to match the information need
- TL's role in teaching Information fluency so students can develop the skills to independently choose; access use and evaluate resources with the life long ever evolving goal of being information literate so students learn to use information in meaningful ways.
digital Information fleuncy Model
2. BIG IDEAS of managing and evaluation of reference materials:
- importance of TL's role in using evaluative criteria to manage their refrence collection ensuring a comprehensive collection that covers their school population scope and content needs .
- Riedling suggests these criteria to evaluate digital and non digital reference materials
- accuracy/authority
- currency/relevency
- format
- objectivity
- scope
- cost rationale
- cross curricular connections
- use of space (physical and computer)
Evaluating-resources from Berkeley University is useful criteria as well.- TL's role in weeding and managing their collection(Riedling suggests 5 years especially for atlases because of currency) and being able to make informed rationale when adding and weeding resources and deciding between print and digital source or is both justified? What audience is it intended for? Is it subject or age based or comprehensive? Is it high precision ? What is the ease of navigation and search options? (index?pictures? abstracts or full text? advanced searches etc.)
- Use of Concerned Based adoption Model (CBAM model) to assist TL's in advocating for a postive shift among collegues in adopting innovative practices/resources. leaarinf of this model helped me to have a framework of where I am within the behaviural and concern stages and generaaly of my fellow collegues . This is useful to know their perspective when advocating for change.
- TL's role in promoting use of reference materials by use of web 2.0 tools as well :QR codes( older students can easily use QR app to scan on phone) posters; Symbaloo homepage on digital tools; promotion of use of database with blog page; newsletter. Allow older students to post comments; reviews etc on school webpage.
- Share with collegues how to manage information seeking with inquiry based higher order thinking problem solving models such as:
- Click here for a poster of the Points-of-inquiry- 5 step inquiry process used by BC education and
- Big 6 handout; super 3 for younger students
- Research Quest these problem solving models were useful in frameworks that promote student open ended discovery.
- 3. BIG IDEAS for examining reference materials
- Importance of understanding the pros and cons of print verse digital reference resources(Britannia encyclopedia verse online encyclopedia like world-book or Canadianencyclopedia.com) Younger children generally benefit from concrete application of resources and enjoy the social collaboration skills while older students have the keyboarding skills and benefit from the more relevant immediate access with digital reference resources such as Wikipedia; dictionary.com or online encyclopedias and databases etc;.(BCERAC; EBSCO host etc;)
- Below Utube video explaining an information literate person:
- I learned about databases in this course and gained an appreciation for their use and also the business behind them when I came across a lot of roadblocks and unanswered questions because of the monetizing of access to information by the vendors.
- I developed a more comprehensive view of the scope of reference materials like gazetteers; factbooks; almanacs; and greater awareness of the online (some free, some subscriptions) for example digital reference resources new to me : National Geographic Atlas and knowbc.com/ which you can access encyclopediaof BC online discovered during the online discussion feedback
- TL's benefit from accessing the Leading Learning document developed by the Canadian school Library Association which as many useful rubric and action planning for the transition to a Learning Commons. In particular this rubric Fostering Literacies for Life Long Learning is essential for 21st century learning in the digital economy.
- Framework for Learners by the AASL is also a useful document for TL's to access when choosing resources for meaningful learning.
Overall I constructed an appreciation for the collaborative role of the TL in order to advance the shifts in positive practice as well as a more thorough understanding of the scope of reference materials as well as developing a list of possibilities to access(especially digital free reference resources)Resources:- Bing.com. (2018). [online] AASL-Standards-Framework-for-Learners-pamphlet.pdf&p=DevEx,5068.1 [Accessed 2 Apr. 2018].
- Nationalacademies.org. (2018).
- The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM): A Model forChange in Individuals. [online] Available at: http://www.nationalacademies.org/rise/backg4a.htm [Accessed 2 Apr. 2018].
- Llsop.canadianschoollibraries.ca. (2018). About Leading Learning – Leading Learning. [online] Available at: http://llsop.canadianschoollibraries.ca/about/ [Accessed 2 Apr. 2018].
- Bctladotca.files.wordpress.com. (2018). [online] Available at: https://bctladotca.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/points-of-inquiry-poster-eng-8-5-11.pdf [Accessed 2 Apr. 2018].