Saturday, 30 September 2017

Reading Review 3; Summary and Bibliography

Summary of Reading Review;

Last week I laid the foundation with the overall objectives for digital literacy and this week I was able to found resources that helped me  with examples of how to curate and categorize apps and the purposeful uses of them. My exploration grew with my use of Popplet for brainstorming and my introduction to Buncee  this week with further exploration coming with my plan to create a Buncee! I found the twittter feeds very useful for learning the name of digital apps that I had never heard of  before;then I would check them out further online.
I found this week my resources delved deeper into the importance of curation and conscious choices of digital tools and the idea of smashing like an orchestra to use multiple apps to create work flow and creativity for students. I found checking out their list of resources/bibliography lend me into some helpful insights and reviews of digital tools for students. For example I had never heard of Commonsense Education which was in the bibliography for The Education Digest and I checked it out and found it very useful in categorizing/ curating tools for students because they are reviewed by  a wide field of educators.


1. Lindl J, Jessica Lindl. The Education digest: Evaluating EdTech: A Strategy for Selecting Digital Tools: Guidance from Common Sense Education for district-level decision making. Education Digest; 09/01

I found this a good starting point of how to take a common sense aproach to filtering down the ton of apps that can possible be used; Some of the criteria she names is; customization and integration; connectedness; equity and technical requirements. This was from the UBC library and I subscribed to the free e- newsletter for Ed Tech to keep up to date.

2. Valenza, J. (2017). Tool literacy as a new process — @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch. [online] Available at: 
Sense Education. (2017).     
Enjoyed this blog on twitter because this is what I was thinking that its not enough to know about digital tools but for students to learn how to use multiple tools in combination creatively- smashing- ; which is a new term for me-to achieve their goal . To be like an artist with a palette and design their own set of tools that can be applied in combination . The author is aware of making conscious choices keeping in mind; affordances; which are varied and changing and constraints of digital tools.
The main take away is being able to constructively choose the best apps for different purposes to make a lesson flow which was demonstrated in the commonsense education videos which I found very helpful for application.

3.: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2017].y/;83:44
I found this resource very helpful because I hadn't found a resource that reviewed and categorized apps for teachers classifying them under many factors such as;grade level; subject; technology platform . I liked the term lesson flow instead of lesson plan and how the  different apps are used for different purposes in the lesson flow: hook; direct instruction; guided practice; independent practice and wrap up .

 Buncee Blog. (2017). 10 Ways to Use Buncee Boards in the Classroom - Buncee Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep. 2017]..

I attended a live webinar with Josh from Buncee in New York and he spoke to me all bout the Buncee application for educators for an hour on Wednesday. This was really informative and a new way of learning that I had never done before. I've downloaded the free version and will be trying it out this week. I really like the newest Buncee Board which students can display their Buncees  together to be viewed and it can be private for only your school and it allows teacher editing if needed. Above is link to 10 ideas.

 Powell, M. (2017). Modernizing Montessori_ Who are the Digital Natives?. Tomorrows Child, [online] pp.31-36. Available at: http://www.Montessori.Org [Accessed 1 Jan. 2015].

I found this article in my Montessori folder; though from 2015 I found it had some unique ideas I hadn't heard of such as DMOZ ; the largest , most comprehensive human reviewed  directory of the web and WebQuests which use higher order thinking skills in which students around the globe can work towards a common goal. The author also wrote about Skype which I thought was just a video phone call . I  went online to Skype classroom to learn more;finding a library of suggested lessons; teachers who want to connect and virtual field trips and author connections etc;. I checked the Skype Classroom website out and was interested to found an Empathy Education  MInecraft course among many other empathy/listening to others etc; courses. Check out  :
Skype in the Classroom . I joined the Microsoft Educator Community to access these resources and collaborate with other teachers.

 He asks the question what motivates this new generation of Digital Natives? Motivation being a key component to authentic learning. In our Montessori school from grade 1 and up students have access to computers for research and projects using prezi etc;though I learned of many more digital tools since beginning this class.In summary ; the author concludes that Maria Montessori being a scientist and if still alive would encourage the use of technology for motivate students to be creative; communicative collaborative and curious.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Literature Research and Data Collection

Literature Research and Data Collection;       RR #2

After further inquiry  and insight into my possible topics I feel the most beneficial and useful topic  for me was the  practical hands on critiquing/curating of specific Technology tools (keeping in mind a set of criteria and classifications) because I realize how important it is to be able to constructively be comfortable with educational technology tools and not be out of the loop with the changing learning needs  of  functioning optimally in the knowledge economy  of the 21st century for students  and guiding them in meeting  the NTCE literacies and BC Education Digital Literacies framwork(I'm new to BC and Victoria SB so this is very helpful for me) With the aim of Digital Literacy tools to practice higher order thinking; ; open inquiry ;  collaboration and real life problem solving and to show knowledge gained. Digital Literacy skills are key to students success in life long learning and equitable opportunity.

Definition of Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy is the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to use digital technology and communication tools appropriately to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, and create and communicate with others. ( BC's Education Digital Literacy framework; pg 1)


My goal is through trying out select learning tool apps that I have encountered through my research; I can critique;classify; curate them based on several criteria from my research and data collection below; and review them for limits advantages; applications; applications in the classroom/learning commons. With this knowledge I can share with students and colleagues.

The literature research and data sources are;

BC Education Digital Literacy Framework; I found this useful because it gave examples of each literacy and the grade level range from k to 2; 3 to 5 and 6 to 9; 9 to 12
Technology For Learning Strategy; from the Greater Victoria School District ; outlined  Strategic Priorities for  student success; educator support; infrastructure and how it can be implemented to align with the BC Digital Literacy Framework.
Fast-formative-assessment-tools-vicki-davis; I found this on Twitter because I follow Edutopia and it help me to narrow down the possible assessment tools that are based on students demonstratig understanding  throughout the process and not a memory test at the end
SAMR questions to ask? by Martin Cisneros; I found this helpful to understand how the T. tool fits in. and try to  use tools the are not just Substitution and Augumentation model but modification and Redefinition;  goal being more creative uses.
NCTE 21st Century Digital Literacies; as a comparison to the BC framework
I follow #FollettLearning (TL)Use Videos To bring Learning; Teaching& Memories To life In Buncee . This is an app I have seen a lot of feed on twitter and want to learn how so it can be part of my tool kit in guiding students in its uses. I have a webinar set up at 4pm (EST) on Sept.24 on how to use Buncee. 
I also want to check out;symbaloo app uses; as I have read blogs about it as well; as a curator tool; combining websites and related twitter feeds in one spot.
Curation Situations of Digital Resources;by Joyce Valenta; 2017; this blog twitted was the best resource so far as related to school libraries; and I will look into this in depth.

I had issues with UBC library(more next blog) I tried to get link through clipboard/ email and wasn't able to copy and paste so the resource I choose to get more in depth with was:
 Evaluating Ed Tech A strategy for selecting Digital Tools;Guidance from  Common Sense Education for District Level decision making; Lindi. Jessica; The Educational Digest 09/2017 volume 83, issue 

Everfi Free Online Courses ; These free online courses were distinct because of their real life applications; in STEM; managing money etc; and history (course on democracy and  African Americans)  

Saturday, 16 September 2017

What does 21st century learning look like?

What does 21st century learning look like?

I decided that  because its a big topic how could I narrow it down to the important factors in creating a classroom/learning commons that best functions for students to learn the knowledge and skills need in today's knowledge economy. These are heavy topics so I need to make a choice and narrow in more. This exercise helped me to understand how  multi faceted the players and decisions that need to be made on use of technology and the importance of accessing  cognitive research ; pulling from several experts on the topic so I could condense it ; in order to clarify my choice and use of technology tools in the classroom /learning commons because the most important factor is how it is used with students.  

List of Possible Topics:

1.School Environments; best prepared environment (Montessori term)for community use of tools; technical and non technical to foster higher order thinking; creativity; collaboration; participation ; page 4 ;Decoding Learning Report (NESTA)

2.Teacher/guide; tools; student; triangle- effective communication between teacher and students with tools using scaffolding to relate information into knowledge and help foster bigger connections; cross curricular and globally.  To be able to observe for the zone of proximal development so students can expand in their knowledge with help from a more skillful adult/ peer. This is commonly done in the Montessori school observing for the right time to present the next materials/ concept. 

3. Relevant literacy digital tools and non digital materials that meet a set of criteria
(curate the same as  hard materials) ; realizing that tools have limits and advantages and purposes and can be used together -often; and can be specific to a students special needs too;
 Post examples of tools; from Google ;Microsoft and independent innovators like popplet etc;  well received by teachers -check out twitter(following 5 Teacher Librarian sites) and reviews online like Edtopia;  Educational Technology e magazine etc;and blogs. I'm looking for tools that go beyond a singular use-not just drill and are tools to synthesize knowledge and are student self correcting /control of error so students learn from their mistakes and broaden their knowledge(not just fill in the answer) and also present/share their knowledge to their peers etc;. Most important I will try out select apps because I'm totally new to this experience so I can be comfortable showing them to students myself being mindful of the criteria. 

4. Administration understanding of cognitive science with industry innovations; does it support the evolving literacy skills needed in the knowledge era  and supporting the learning curve for  technology for teachers who are the mediators in making tools accessible to students in a meaningful way; budgeting money for  learning/PD and purchase of  digital tools that  best meet 7 learners themes as outlined in Decoding Learning Report;  (above link)

5.Case study;using my knowledge gained from my readings; collaboration etc;does Montessori education/philosophy meet the needs of 21st century learning?

6. Cautions  of overzealous use of digital tools in schools and importance of real life interactions and going outs in the community as we call it at my Montessori school which is based on a small groups interest and they research and present in many forms to rest of class . Look at limitations and advantages and adaptations SAMR model  check out;SAMR Model